Chapter 1

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Lexi's Pov
The stupid alarm clock woke me up from my peaceful sleep i wish i could lsy here all day but i can't it's a shame i know right the bed is so comfortable soft oh my i think i'm inlove i mentally smiled who isn't inlove with a comfortable bed i rather lay here than go to school and face those ugly bit-

my mental rant was cut short when my door flung open

"get up lexi now." My mom said standing at the door

why oh why i buried my head in the pillow

"is it possible to marry to a bed." I know i was being ridiculous but come on i love this bed my mom came over to the bed and grabbed my legs i held on to the bed post screaming

"stop it woman you can't tear us apart you can't tear true love oof."

My face hits the floor making me cry out in pain

"lex you are going to be late for school get up." I glared at my mom she glared back

I pouted "i don't want to go mom i want to stay here besides its almost summer and i don't have any friends so i don't see the point in going."

The last last part was whispered its true i don't have any friends i love being alone my best friend is my mom and my dad i'm an only child. "Sweetie the only reason is because you hardly talk to anyone i bet alot of people would like to be your friend your beautiful,strong,brave and the list goes on.

" She said smiling at me she is so easy to talk to and she always knows the right words to say to make me happy

"your the best mom ever you know that?" I asked hugging her she held me tight

"you've told me once or twice your also the best daughter ever and i love you." She replied i almost cried she is truly the best

"i love you too mom." She kissed me on the forehead and got up from beside me off the floor

"now get ready my crazy baby." I rolled my eyes and smiled she walked out of the room i ran in the bathroom and showered i pulled on a ripped blue jeans and a tank top that says in bold 'I'm Different So What?'

I pulled on my converse and braided my black hair that stopped below my shoulders i didn't where any make up just a little lip gloss

i ran down stairs and saw my dad eating an apple i ran over to him and grab the apple from him tool two big bites and grabbed by bag from off the couch

"lexi!" He growled

"love you too dad tell mom i'll see her later!" I yelled running out the door when i was outside i started walking to the hell we call school (A/N- i don't know what it is but alot of kids hate school so do i lol kids)

you see my school is an all werewolf school speaking of werewolf my wolf kathy hasn't spoke once since i got up

'kat you there?' I asked no answer whats up with her is she still sad that i didn't eat any taco yesterday come on i wanted to eat it too but i also wanted to go out and eat steak come on she knows i am like inlove with steak apart from my bed that is

I finally was at school i walked through the doors and started heading to my locker

"look who decided to show up." The biggest bitch in school had to see me

"i'm surprised you show because from that video tyler done alot of damage to that body those bruise couldn't have heal that quickly no wonder your make up looks awful this morning not that it doesn't every other morning."

I replied before the insults could start shock was written all over her face thought i couldn't talk just proved ya wrong i smirked closed my locker and head for first period math oh math i love you so much.note sarcasm.

I hate math i walked in and walked to my seat in the back i sat down and stared out the window what felt like hours were only minutes

"lexi your partner for this assignment is leah grant." Wait hold up leah as in leah leah no no no you must be wondering why am i over reacting

it's because in 7th grade i was her friend on april fools day i thought it would be funny to prank someone so i knew she was afraid of spiders i found this gigantic one and put it in her school bag i told her i left my book in her bag by accident she found the spider in the bag she didn't talk to me for a week

i tried to avoid her as much as possible come on a girl was having fun

"and this project is due wednesday so you have two days sit beside you partners so you can get started." The teacher finished.


(A/N:I just wanted to say my first book so please give it a chance please comment also wanted to say please don't steal my story it took alot of hard work come up with your own idea it'll make your book unique stand out so stick with your imagination i know sometimes you imagine some crazy things but hey whats life without a little craziness please keep on reading comment. Vote. Follow

p.s. I did a little editing xD

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