Chapter 2

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This chappy is dedicated to the first person to return my follow rorabear

Lexi's Pov
We started working on the project in an awkward silence i couldn't take it anymore i had to apologise "leah i know it's been 4 years since the little spider incident but i can't let this year make 5 and i didn't apologise i am so sorry i didn't-" she cut of my little apology speech how rude i went over this thing a million times and when i finally had the courage to say she cut me off she stopped me.... "lex its ok i wanted to tell you it was ok but you were avoiding me." Thats what she had to wait what "i thought you didn't want to be my friend again because you didn't talk to me for a week." I replied this kind of reminds me of when i use to go to elementary school "well i did forgive you,you still want to be friends?" She asked "ofcourse." I replied smiling she pulled me into a bone crushing hug "you don't know how much i missed you lex." She said still holding on to me i held her tighter like if i let go she would just disappear and i'll wake up wishing it was real i missed her we were best friends since the 3rd grade she was like my sister. "I missed you too lee-lee." Our little moment came to an abrupt end when the teacher spoke "grant,jones you guys done." We didn't let go though "a couple more minutes sir." We said in unison. The rest of the class went by pretty quickly it was spent with leah and i talking and laughing the teacher glared at us a few times because we were disturbing his class. Leah and i were walking in the hallway because we had a free period we decided to ditch the rest of the day we went to the back of the school and walk into the woods "what do you think your mate is like? Leah asked "i think he's greek god hot ofcourse,romantic,smart and he'll be the person to tell me that everything is ok but we both know its not but he tells me just to see me smile he may not be very romantic but i don't want him to be heartless like that stupid alpha dylan reed." I replied i heard a low growl but shook it off thinking it was my imagination but then it hit me the most breath taking smell it was had this minty pine smell i looked to see leah smiling like crazy the smell got stronger 'mate! Mate!' 'Oh so now you talk.' I said rolling my eyes i was about to say something to leah but out walked no other than the biggest asshole alpha dylan and his stupid beta jake they were hot like greek god hot but they were still assholes "Mine." he growled i was literally shaking i just wanted to hide under a rock and never come out at this point i wished i was never even born why did my mate have to be him of all persons the moon goddess paired me with a monster so i did the only thing i could i ran. Leah and i ran once we saw who it was my mate is a monster 'a hot monster.' Kathy said 'ofcourse you would say that.' I replied 'stop and go back to our mate.' She growled i rolled my eyes and continue running we made it back at school we ran in the hallway i stopped and turned to leah "leah your coming home with me." I said breathless we ran to the exit and ran outside people were looking at us like we were crazy we finally reached my home we ran inside i immediately started looking for my mom and dad "mom! Dad!" I yelled "in here sweetie." My mom called out i ran into the kitchen with leah trailing behind i didn't waste anytime i ran into my mom arms "mom please don't let them take us please." I sobbed my mom held me tighter "no ones going to take any of you they'll have to go through us." My mom said anger lacing her voice i looked back at leah to see a few tears escaped my mom must have noticed because she pulled her in for a hug also "whats going on." My dads angry voice boomed he doesn't like to see my mom and i sad or angry "they're coming." Leah whispered but because we are werewolf and we have super hearing i heard we all heard "who's coming sweetie?" My mom asked leah"the silver moon pack." We said in unison "we are the alpha and beta's mates." Leah finished i grabbed my dad and hug him "i love you guys so much don't forget that ok?" My mom was the first to reply "we won't forget because you will always be here to tell us." My dad continued by saying
"Because they are not getting you girls." Leah spoke "i wish i had a family like this." She said smiling you see her parents died when she was 4 her dad was killed during an attack and her mom died hours after she sacrificed her life for leah she would have died eventually you see if a werewolf loses their mate they can't go on without their other half their is no point in living if you other half is gone. "We may not be blood related and i know we can't replace your parents we won't try but i want you to know that you are considered our daughter we are family,ok leah?" My mom stated/asked leah nodded just as my dad was about to say something we heard screaming and that smell i love so much but hate at the same time leah and i looked at each other then back to my parents "their here."

(A/N: so i have been thinking i want to add a goal for each chapter i hope you don't find it annoying anyways this chapter goal is
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Thats not too much to ask right i still will update if the goal isn't reach but just not as often as now so please guys i won't make promises i won't keep so if i promise i'll update everyday i will i'll make time for you guys sodon't give up on this book yet please my first book and i want to see what you guys think

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