Part Twenty:

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Third POV:
Ryuji felt scared as he glared. Rin looked at Ryuji's Face.
"Ryuji, are you in any pain," Rin asked as he came closer and lifted my shirt.
An aura appeared behind Yukio.
" I'm fine," Ryuji said while pushing Rin away.
"Rin, please don't get me killed by Sensei please," Ryuji thought.
Yukio sighed.
"Since you protected my brother, I think its understandable for him to be worried. So I understand that Rin might be more attached to you, you pervert," Yukio said.
"Ryuji helped me so I have to help him," Rin shouted.
"Oniisan, you're too innocent."
"What is that supposed to mean," Rin asked.
After a while it became night...
Yukio had left because of a meeting. Rin was packing a bag of games up.
"I guess the nurse is out still, well I'll see you tomorrow Ryuji. I'll bring you some breakfast okay," Rin said with a smile.
Rin left and shut the door while Ryuji covered his nose.
"So cute," Ryuji thought while having a nose bleed.
Rin was walking down a hallway and he thought about some things.
"Ryuji is really in to me, but why, why can't I be honest with him," Rin thought as he continued to walk.
He left the exorcist building and walked to his dorm. He turn on the light to his room.
"Yukio must still be out. This is normal. I guess I'm a bit lonely right now," Rin said.
Rin thought about Ryuji's question.
"How do you feel about me?"
"Damn it, why couldn't I give him a clear answer," Rin shouted.
Rin pouted as he changed into his pajamas. He switched the light out and laid in his bed.
"Tomorrow, tomorrow I'll do it," He thought while hugging the plushy from before.
"Ryu...ji," Rin said as fell asleep.
The next morning...
Rin's alarm went off and he sat up quickly, while hitting his head on the top bunk.
"Ow," he shouted.
He looked over to see Yukio still wasn't there.
"Yukio didn't come back," he said while getting up.
He saw a note.
"Nii-san, I won't be home for a week, I have a mission. Pleasd keep your chasity safe please. Don't fall for Suguro's advances- Yukio," Rin read whild blushing.
"Yukio won't be home for a week. No class for a week then, which means I can visit Ryuji," Rin thought.
He ran downstairs and cooked breakfast. He cooked a rice omelet with pork and beef on the inside. He laid it over more rice. He packed 4 bento's and grabbed a bag. He ran out the house and towards where Ryuji was. He was outside the infirmary and slid the door open. Rin saw the nurse and saw Ryuji who was in a lot of pain. He had new bandages but new holes in his arms. He was shirtless and the nurse was straddling him.
"What are doing to him," Rin shouted while blushing.
"Just giving him medicine," The nurse said with a smile while holding a need close to Ryuji's face
"Please help, Rin," Ryuji shouted.
"Stop, get off of him," Rin shouted.

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