Visiting Deku

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Bakugou's Pov

That damn Deku has been quarantined in his room after a quirk accident he happened to walk into earlier this week, and missed multiple classes. Due to that, Mr. Aizawa had to pick me of all people to deliver class notes to the shitty nerd. I walk up the stairs to his room, smiling a bit as I come up with ways to make fun of him for getting mixed up in some kid's quirk accident. 

As I walk, I noticed the stiff silence that seemes to fill the hallways. It's Saturday, so everyone else is off with their families or doing something else. I reach the door and consider knocking, but almost immediately banish that thought from my mind and bust open the door. 

"Hey, shitty nerd!" I shout, "I brought you notes from the last couple days of class!"

Deku sits on his bed, looking at me. I hold out the notes, and he came to take them. I noticed some thing off about him. For one, Deku usually says at least "thank you" when you give him something, but he didn't this time, simply taking the notes from my hand and standing in front of me smiling subtly. The room was dark, and his eyes had a chillingly weird glow, cutting into me.

I stare at Deku for a moment. Originally I had planned to mock him, but he was seriously creeping me out, just standing and smiling. I turn to leave, but Deku slams the door closed, stopping me from opening it. I glance at him with a confused look, and try to open the door again when Deku pulls me backwards onto his bed, holding my hands down behind my head.

"Oi!" I yell, "Let me go, damn nerd!" 

Deku only looks down on me with a sickly confident smile. "You know, Kacchan?" he says in a bloodcurdling voice, "You've always been so mean to me... bullying me, calling me names..."

I spit at him. "What's that got to do with anything, Deku?"

Deku's eyes widen in a deranged manner. "Oh, it's got to do with everything, Kacchan. You can't just act like that towards me... You've caused me so much fucking pain, and act like its nothing?!" 

I look straight into Deku's eyes, smirking confidently. "Yeah, whatchya gonna do about it, nerd?"

"I'll make you feel the most pain and embarrassment you've ever felt."

I scoff, and let an explosion erupt from my hands, right in the shitty nerd's face. Smiling, I try to push Deku's hands off me, but they keep their grip. The smoke slowly blows away, and I look at Deku, only to see him unscathed. 


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