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SHE STOOD THERE WITH HER eyes narrowed, the color red being the only thing she could focus on. She swallowed thickly, intense breaths falling from her lips before she closed her eyes and let go. She opened them again only when she heard the noise of satisfaction that came from the sound of her arrow head implanting itself into the bullseye of the target. She lowered her bow, a smirk forming on her lips. Somehow she had even better aim as a vampire than she did as a human that was born with her only purpose being to hunt.

Hope watched the female from a distance, a small smile forming on her face when she saw a wide smile form on Lilianna's. She truly loved her bow and arrows. They brought her happiness, and it seemed to be the anchor that she needed to keep herself controlled. Hope had to admit that for a newborn vampire, Lilianna had amazing resistance when it came to blood. She drank it every hour, occasionally more if they'd let her, but her restraint was astonishing to Hope, and she couldn't help but wonder how she did it. Maybe it's because she was a hunter--or rather, the hunter and it was giving her restraint in hopes of not becoming the monster she thought she was.

     "Nice shot." Hope decided to make herself known, a smile on her face as her arms crossed over her chest. She watched Lilianna's head snap towards her, almost in a panicked motion before her shoulders relaxed when she saw it was Hope. Lilianna smiled, and Hope couldn't help but think she had the most beautiful smile she'd ever seen. It made her heart skip a beat, and all she could hope was that Lilianna hadn't been listening too closely to her heart beat--something Lilianna admitted she tended to do often just to feel alive.

     Lilianna took the arrow from the target, "Thanks. Usually I can do better than that, but it's the first shot I've taken since I've. . . " She trailed off, swallowing thickly before continuing. "I just wanted to make sure that I could still shoot. And clearly, I can." She placed the arrow back into it's sheath, making her way towards Hope with her bow hanging at her side. "What's up?"

     "Nothing." Hope shook her head. "Just wanted to check up on you. See how you were doing. Alaric wants to start you on classes, but I told him you probably already knew everything that there was to know seeing are you were a hunter and all." It didn't go unnoticed by Hope when Lilianna wince when she said 'were'. Hope knew she was still struggling with the fact that she was a vampire. She knew that she had been wanting to call her family, let them know that she was alright, but at the same time knew what would happen if she did that.

     "I'm alright."

Hope reached out a hand, and Lilianna looked at her for a moment before a small smile pulled at the corners of her lips and she grabbed it, interlacing their fingers. The two made their way into the school, ignoring the surprised looks that were being thrown at them. They made it to the kitchens where Lilianna sat down her bow and Hope got her a blood bag. Handing it to the vampire, Hope watched her drink it for a moment before glancing around nervously as she pushed her brown-red hair from her face.

     "So. . . we're having a dance tomorrow night. Usually I just skip out on these things, but I was seeing if you maybe wanted to go? We don't have to. You're welcome to skip with me. Or go without me. Up to you." Hope cut herself off when a small chuckle fell from Lilianna's lips, making her furrow her eyebrows in confusion. Had she said something funny? A frown slowly started to form on her lips before watching the amused smile on Lilianna's lips spread slightly in admiration.

     "Hope, are you asking me out?"

      Hope felt her cheeks heat up. "I―︎no. It doesn't count as a date. Does it? I mean, it can count as one if you want it to, but I don't want to put that on you. I mean, we just met and―︎"

     "Yeah, I'll go." Lilianna nodded, hopping down from the counter that she had been sitting on. She stepped closer to Hope, so close in fact that Hope could feel her breath on her lips. The tribrid swallowed thickly, trying desperately to calm her racing heart. She'd never felt like this before. So why did this girl that had originally been sent to kill her make her feel such things. She made her blush, made butterflies form in her stomach, she even made her heart race at an unhealthy rate. What was Lilianna doing to her?

     "G-great." Hope nodded. She wanted to step back, ease the sexual tension that she could practically feel radiating between them. But she couldn't. Her feet wouldn't move like she wanted them to. She was planted there. Unable to move. Trapped in Lilianna's spell that she had cast simply by looking at her. Before she could stop herself, her eyes flickered between Lilianna's eyes and down to her lips before back up to her eyes again. She so desperately wanted to lean in, to know what it would feel like to have Lilianna's lips pressed up against hers, but at the sound of Josie's voice she was quick to step back.

     Josie stopped in the doorway of the kitchen, her eyes switching back and forth between Hope and Lilianna, taking a moment before realization hit her and a smirk started to pull at the corner of her lips. Hope was quick to give her a warning glare to which the Gemini witch shrugged off. "Sorry to interrupt. My ever so lovely sister wanted a drink." She looked at Lilianna with a kind smile. "Hey, I don't think we've officially met. I'm Josette. But everyone calls me Josie or Jo." She held her hand and Lilianna stepped forwards, shaking it.

     "Lilianna. But I'm sure you knew that, seeing as I'm the talk of this place right now." Lilianna nodded towards her bow. "Former hunter. I think everyone's trying to decide whether or not I'm going to shoot them with one of my arrows. Or if I'm one of the good guys."

      "Well, are you?" Josie couldn't help but ask the question, and she winced at how blunt it came out, but relaxed when Lilianna simply chuckled.

     "As of right now, I'm one of the good ones. But that hunter in me still rages and wants all supernatural creatures dead. So, just don't piss me off and you'll be alright."

     Josie hummed and nodded. "Are you going to the dance tomorrow?"

     "I am." Lilianna nodded, smiling. "And hopefully my date comes with me." She glanced back at Hope before looking back at Josie. "It was nice to officially meet you Josette." And then she was walking away, leaving Hope and Josie alone.

     Josie looked at Hope with raised eyebrows and an impressed smile. Hope just huffed before pointing at her and muttering, "Shut up," and then quickly leaving in the same direction Lilianna had gone.

 Hope just huffed before pointing at her and muttering, "Shut up," and then quickly leaving in the same direction Lilianna had gone

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