Nice to see you again

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It was Friday night, and let me just say this week was filled with nothing but misery. Not just from my father's death alone, but from watching my mother mope around depressingly as she struggled to do her everyday things in despair.

I stayed strong for the both of us but the more I looked at her, I felt it, a large pang of guilt struck in my chest it made me feel like I literally would topple over. It's my fault, he went off to the army for my treatment. I tried to stop him because I knew things like this would happen, but he cared about me too much, he loved me to a point where he risked his own life to know that I was getting better.

It's my fault It's my fault It's my fault

My life should've been taken instead of his, and while I was given a second chance at life his was taken away from him.

"Mom?" she rested a plate into the sink before turning to me. Her eyes were puffy and swollen with a deepening red color. "Yes Marissa?" she sniffled. "I know you miss him a lot, I've never seen you this unhappy," i frowned. Before she could respond i reached over and grabbed her into a hug. I rocked slowly back and forth comforting her as she wiped away fresh tears forming at her eyes in between the hug.

"Go lie down, i'll take care of the rest of the dishes for you," i gave her a reassuring smile and she forced one in return and slowly made her way up the stairs.


I had quickly showered and dressed to head to the park as I remembered I promised to meet my new friend there, plus I really had to get my mind off of all the sadness lately. I needed some time outside. I took the walk as I had in my headphones playing a bit of Frank Sinatra. Call me lame or whatever but it just has a bit of a classy vibe to it and I'd listen to it every now and then.

When I finally arrived at the park I saw Anthony sat on my favorite bench scrolling through his phone. I walked up and took and seat next to him and he noticed my presence. "Oh hey, you came, I was starting to think you were gonna bail on me," he flashed a rather attractive smile at me.

"I planned to but, I felt kind today," I looked a bit serious but then I couldn't hold it in and chuckled. He looked at me with his eyebrows furrowed. "What?" I asked. "Your eyes are red and puffy, have you been crying?" He asked with concern taking up his features. I sighed, "Yeah, we uh lost my dad this week."

"Im so sorry for your loss, but y'know my mom always told me the ending of something could be the start of a new beginning, use this, let it make you a stronger person in life, let it mould you, im sure that's what he would've wanted for you."

My eyes began welling up and Anthony held on to my shoulders. "Hey, don't cry, someone as beautiful as you doesn't deserve to cry. I blushed as those words came out of him. Anthony was fairly attractive himself. I lost myself for a second in his chocolate brown eyes and snapped back to reality.

"Here, to cheer you up I'll buy you an ice-cream," he said pulling out his wallet. "No, it's okay, I don't want you to spend any Money on me," I lowered his hand that held the wallet. "Nonsense, you deserve it, besides it probably has been a tough week," he said reassuringly. He then stood up and ushered for me to follow him as he walked over to the ice-cream vendor at the other end of the swings.
"What's your favorite flavor?" He turned to me as we stood in front of the ice-cream cart. "Hmm, caramel," I smiled at him. "One double scoop caramel on a cone please," he asked the man. The ice-cream man opened the top of the cart and scooped out the ice-cream onto the cone.

"Here you go sir," he handed the cone to Anthony. "Thanks," Anthony smiled as he paid the man. He turned to me and handed me the cone. "Thanks Anthony, you really didn't have to do this." I reassured him. "Well it takes a real man to be a gentleman to a lady," he smiled.

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