Caught in your Gaze

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I watched as my doctor talked to my mother on the couch. "I'm not even sure how, but she's beating the cancer very fast for someone who almost lost their life." he said shocked. My eyes widened in shock, but i knew it was true. The once excruciating pain that I suffered was barely felt anymore. "Young lady, you're the luckiest patient we've ever had," he said looking at me in the eyes.

I sat there dumbfounded as I couldn't find the words to express how I felt. My mother got up and sat next to me and kissed me on the forehead. "I'm so proud of you," she said as tears of joy welled up in her eyes. She then began to pat away the tears with a tissue. "Well I'll be back around next month to check you again, but at your rate, you'll be fine in no time," he said as he packed his bag and lifted it on his shoulders smiling.

"Thank you so much doctor," my mom said as she stood up and handed him cash and in exchange he gave her my medicines. He then proceeded to walk out the the door as my mom set down the medicines in the cabinet.

"You know now that your better, you can go outside, y'know take a stroll in the park like you always did." she said cupping my cheeks. "I-I'd love to." "Do you want me to come with you dear?" she asked hesitantly. "I'll be fine, I'll call you if anything goes wrong, I promise." I said reassuringly. "Okay, have fun," she said smiling though I saw slight glimmer of pain in her eyes.

I quickly took a shower and changed into a white T-shirt with a cartoon panda with floral leggings and black flats. I placed my phone into my purse and and headed outside to the nearby park. As soon I reached I could hear the excited screams of children on swings and slides and couldn't help but smile. I took a seat on my favorite bench and inhaled deeply, the park smelt faintly of freshly cut grass.

I dug into my purse and pulled out my book I always read here, "The Fault In Our Stars". It always made me feel like I could still be loved by someone, despite my faults. I pulled out my glasses and put them on as I started to find the place i stuck my bookmark. When I finally found it, the bookmark flew out of the book with the wind over to the climbing hooks.

I sighed as I jogged over to pick it up. As I tried to stand back up, the necklace laced into one of the hooks and I was stuck. "You okay?" a voice softly asked. I turned to see a tall guy with chocolate brown eyes and slighty coiffed hair. He looked around my age. "Well as you can see.." I said i began to yank forward like a dog tied to a post. "I'm a bit stuck," I gained a chuckle from him.

"Here let me help you," He said as he unhooked the necklace and the glow vanished. He untangled my hair from it and helped me up. "Thank you, um could you hook it back on me, if you don't mind of course," I said handing him the necklace. "No problem," He took it and pulled it around my neck and hooked it. It glowed back to life only slightly brighter.

I held up the pendant and looked at it, "Wow these batteries are odd," "What do you mean?" He looked confused. "Well qhen I first got it it was glowing kinda dim so I thought the batteries needed changing but it's a little brighter now, strange." I said letting it hang down again by my chest.

"Maybe they're just giving a big finale before they go," he laughed which made me laugh in return. "My name's Anthony, I just moved here about a month ago." "Well, my name's Marissa, I've actually lived here all my life." I said jokingly. He looked down to the book I was holding in my hand. "The fault in our stars huh, you love that book too?" "Uhm, who doesn't, it's only like the best book ever?" I said pointing at it.

"Don't tell me you only read it to drool over Augustus," he said giving me a questioning look. "While drooling, I actually payed attention to the rest of the book, I enjoyed their little infinity, but it messed with my feels when they just flipped the script and made Augustus die instead." "Oh sob, oh cry," he said gasping like a drama queen. "Oh shut up," I laughed. I began walking over to my bench when he called out. "Mind if I join you?" "Not at all," I smiled at him.

"Unlike you, I prefer virtual books their a lot easier to carry, and im pretty sure I won't have the problem of dropping my bookmark and being accidentally getting tied up like a dog." he smirked pulling out his smartphone. I rolled my eyes, "Well unlike you I like to actually own the actual book, I think it feels more natural and it gives you break from having your eyes glued to your device nearly 24 hours a day." "While, you do have a point, I must admit, the heart wants what it wants, and my heart wants virtual books."

"It's not as classic as holding the actual thing y'know?" I looked at him. "Ahh, but say you're eating pizza, and you wanna read at the same time, do think my virtual book is gonna get pizza grease on it." he sat waiting for my response. "I, uh, ah dammit, you're right," I sighed in defeat. We sat there talking for almost an hour and a half before I realized the time. I opened my phone and checked the clock. "Wow, we've been here a while, I gotta get back home to my mom, she must be worried."

I got up and stuffed my book and phone into my purse about to turn away before he stopped me. "Marissa, wait, I was wondering if you'd like to grab something to eat sometime?" "Sure, when is fine for you?" "Well we could meet up here next week Saturday at six o' clock," he said scratching the back of his neck. "I'd love to, it was nice meeting you by the way." I smiled at him. "You too," he responded. I then turned and walked home.

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