Chapter 12: Meet em & unknown number

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Zayn Malik just talked to me oh god I can't breath, I see a bright light, well I have to respond, "Hi" I say shyly, "You here to meet us right" he said back but it sounded more like a question "Um y-yea me and my fr-friend Bri" I say stuttering like a complete idiot.

"Well the others are back here, follow me" he said kindly, wow isn't he sweet, hot, cute, did I mention hot. He lead us to the back where the other guys were and let me say they are all super adorable.

"Hey girls you must be here to meet us" louis said while smiling while Bri and I just stood there starstruck and looking like idiots (Like usual but anyway) instead of saying anything we just nodded our heads.

"Okay so I see you are nervous but don't be" Niall said with his signature laugh at the end of his sentence but I mean how are we supposed to just not be nervous I mean you'r one direction for god sake, but of course instead of saying that I just said "Okay but anyway we a-are really b-big fans" I say stuttering again. Damnit.

"Okay so how about we take some pictures then you guys will tell us about you and then if you tweet us or give us your twitter/Instagram we will follow you" Liam said a crazy huge smirk on his face and his brown eyes lit up while he was finishing that sentence and let me say he is adorable also. Hell they all are.

~Pictures are happening~

When the pictures were over we all started to talk to them and now I wasn't stuttering because I'm kinda used to being in their presence since it's been 45 minutes I kinda got all my fangirling out when they hugged me.

"So Zoe your not from Australia" Harry asks with the most confused look ever and I must say he looked so cute "no I just moved here actually like 2 weeks ago and Bri also just moved here like yesterday but anyway she lives with me" I say all at once while they all look at me like I was speaking a completely different language.

~ 1 hour later~

We are leaving and I was so happy. that sounded mean. but I'm happy because I AM SO FRICKING TIRED WORDS CANT EXPLAIN. We all say our goodbyes and have one last hug which I enjoyed a lot.As we were walking out my phone started vibrating non-stop , I pulled it out my pocket expecting my mom but instead it was an unknown number.

This number has called more than once and I thought it was my mom's work number but when I picked it up I heard the familiar four australians that hate me so much for what reason , oh yeah , no reason.

Aussies- Hey bitch what are you doing
Me- What do you want
Aussies- Awe babe don't be rude we know you'r secret
Thats when I ended the call, how do they know I just moved here like 2 weeks ago and they know to much.

Bri kept asking what was wrong but I told her it was some kids prank calling me, The only person who knows my secret is Bri but she doesn't even know them so how could they know my secret.

I bet you'r probably wondering what my secret is and well I kinda already told you in the beginning about how I used to self-harm and not eat but how could they know my scars are on my wrists and I always wear bracelets so they haven't seen them.

Bri thinks I stopped but the whole bullying thing that is happening for no reason makes me depressed, really depressed, my mom nor dad know and I feel kinda bad for doing something like this to myself but it helps me.

The worst part is if they know they will tell the whole school and then people will think I need mental and physical help and hate me, I don't need that, I already four pricks bullying me for no reason, I can't take the whole school bullying me.

*****SO THIS CHAPTER ISNT THAT GOOD BUT I TRIED MY BEST SO HOPEFULLY YOU LIKE IT, anyway thanks for reading, voting, and commenting just keep doing it and I will most likely reply I LOVE YOU SO MUCH THANK YOU!!!!*****

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