Chapter 7: Only friend

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I was so fucking happy to see Jai considering he was the only person i could talk to, I quickly run up to him and give him a hug "Hey beautiful" he says which makes my heart flutter and also makes me blush "Hey handsome" I say trying to be as cute as him, even though today was supposed to be fun and exciting I was completely dreading everything that was happening, Jai was the only good thing that's happened and those "boys" today were complete assholes and I don't even know them

"you seem really sad" Jai said, which was true I just left Texas for Sydney which I'm not really liking right now and even though I got bullied back home for no reason but to them I was a whore, cheater, slut, and you know the rest but the difference is that I grew up there and I just got here and I'm already being treated like shit again for no reason so yea i'm sad and kinda pissed but he doesn't need to know "no i'm fine just tired ya know" right when I said that my waist started to itch and I knew my scars were in their itchy mode which I hate not only cause you constantly scratch them but because I'm around Jai, but my instincts take over and i scratch my hip.

I was hoping Jai wasn't paying any attention to me but when I looked up he was looking at me "dammit" I say under my breath.

"You okay" he says flashing that perfect smile "yea just fine" I lie, you see I like Jai a lot but he has a girlfriend also known as the one, the only, Ariana Grande so I definetly didn't stand a chance with him so scratch that off the list.

~2 hours later~

"Hahaha Jai I need to meet them" I said after he tells me the story about his friends and him pranking a bunch of people "and then we star-" he stopped when his phone rang and in big letters I saw her name pop up "hey ariana" " oh shit sorry I was catching up with a friend" "okay i'm on my way, bye" he says, well this sucks I was actually having fun with him and he has to leave.Ugh. "Alright zoe I have to leave but it was awesome hanging out with you" he says and I start blushing "okay, um, bye Jai" I say with a fake happy voice "I'll see you tomorrow, bye love" he said as he started walking down the stairs "Bye Jai" I walked over to my window to see if he left and he was pulling out the driveway and he looked up and waved and I waved back.

OMG he called me love I cant even control myself but I kinda need to cause i'm scaring myself, I picked my phone up and start to call Bri (my best friend literally since I was born).

~Bri's P.O.V~

*Something about the boy* I heard my phone ringing it's like 4 in the fucking morning and i have school in 2 hours who is calling me, Zoe's name pops up in huge letters and I wake up automatically cause I haven't talked to her in like 7 days but who cares I miss her so much! " Hey zoe" I say sounding probably a little to happy, just a little, "Hey bri what are you doing?" she asks "Well considering it's 4 in the morning here I'm doing nothing" I say laughing "Oh sorry I completey forgot about the time diffrenece" she says sounding a little embaressed "It's okay I have to wake up soon anyway" I say

~An hour later~

~Still Bri's P.O.V~

Wow it's already 5 and she has been venting to me abut a lot and she even told me about those boys who already bullied her a bit and I kinda feel bad knowing she used to cut and she stopped because we made a promise that everytime she wanted to cut she would draw a pretty design where she wanted to harm herself and that if she was clean for 2 months I would come visit her in Australia, and over the phone she told me it's been 2 and a half months, I've been saving up for this trip and when we got off the phone I purchased one ticket to Austarlia and I'll be there in about 24 hours, I can't wait.

~Zoe's P.O.V~

Getting off the phone with Bri made me think about Texas and how much I miss her, I remembered out promise but she said she didn't have enough money which kinda put me down but hey I will see her soon, hopefully.

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