Chapter 23

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"Y/n your hot." Draco says as you were making dinner for you both

You looked at him shocked as he smirked at you

"Thanks?" You say and Draco nods

"Your welcome love." Draco says and you never understand him like he can be so weird sometimes "I love you." Draco says and you smile

"I don't know what to say like I feel that for you but I don't know if I can say it." You say and Draco smiles

"I know love, we can stay here in the muggle world for as long as you want." Draco say and you nod as you didn't know what to say really you never do

"I want my memory back." You say and Draco nods

"it'll come back to you I promise I promise you it will come back, just be patient, your full memory will come back to you, now come here." Draco says with his arms open so you walk over and Draco pulls you down onto the couch and starts cuddling you *I've missed cuddles with her, we used to do this every night in the Slytherin common room together, and I'm so glad I get to cuddle her again. Like I haven't cuddled someone since I last cuddled y/n so I'm glad I can have cuddles again* Draco thinks as he kisses your cheek an you smile

"You wanna have a drink? My neighbour gave me a champagne bottle she doesn't drink and her mom gave her it for some reason." You say and Draco nods

"Sure why not I like getting drunk it's what adults do." Draco says and you laugh and find the bottle and grab two glasses and hand one glass to Draco "I'll open it." Draco says as he waves his wand and opens the bottle

Draco and you start drinking as you cuddle

You both ended up getting super drunk

"I fucking love you I wanna marry you." Draco says and you smile

"Same dray I love you so much." You say and Draco smiles

"Why don't we just get married? Like what's stopping us?" Draco says as he takes another sip almost spilling it all over him

"Nothing is we are adults with adult money, like I want cake and I have money to buy cake and as an adult I can spend it however it want." You say and Draco laughs

"Let's go get married and buy cake." Draco says and you laugh

"Can you get married when your drunk? Because were drunk." You say and Draco shrugs

"I don't know wanna try?" Draco asks and you shrug

"Eh why not."

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