the evil f*cking truth

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5:26 AM at the OVERLOCKED hotle
Feidy look over the overlocked hotle.... a bean of red in his eye;evul)
I done it this time boys he smirks and thinks thimselffirdy
he sees jon pale snd swety back and smirk evily to fiedy and put his arm s out to pudh him off the sweet hotle buidung.. but then he feles somethign...
A Arm.
On his back.
the arm gap him and chocke him jn a hold and keep him from pushing nonasuming jon lookimg over the rdge of the hotle floor edge and he wisper to him the strange figure guy behind fiedy say
"You miss me and think you coudl mess with my freinds?
This shooked fiedy to his entire core and bieng
At the overlocked hotel...
5:40 AM at the overlocked hotel
Jomdothan stang up off Munlu and scrwam and sob say "whats goimfn on..." Tears roleing down hes cheakes... Head snorts a litwl coke and saysles "Monky has MAGIC POWORS AND NEVER SAYED NOTHING ANOUT IT AND WHAT THE HECK!" He. Was. Agbnrey. Momunky jot up from the floor and softly siegh his thin coton caridgen blowing softely fluteribg in the wind. His pearcing eyes did glow a litel with amotion and he loked hownstly realy beutifuld they both thoughted. Mongrel ,"I am realy bereacved to say it... Im just Munky ." They was still rage dand funeing but sofened in the lime lite. "Why oh why did you kept it from your own HUBSAND!?" Wait. Jonakan thougt ... "Your aMARIED?!?" And stxuff and more crazy revelations happened...
at the overclocked hotel.

furdy turn around to see...
"WHAT ARE YOU DOING HERE??" Fiedy turn around at to dsee good fieldy
Fiedy smirekd at...nothign realy. He shook and says Dont "Dont be so shocked.... Youdidney close the basemnt dore and I got out i know what your doign and yoy cant not keep me down any logner i been to shria and back i spent a night ona raft with one directoon i spendet my time in rhe jungle with Goerge and i learned a alot of thigns and broght a lot of strength (my tighs glute and abs) wnd so i WILL NOT LET YOU DO SUCH A THIGN.HE IS MY freind and i know whatit suj like and i lnows he is mad at me for not savign me from hell but i" Jon starts to tears fallign trom his eyes and cryign blood at this sentimrnet"know wahtsit like tor nobodey to save you novodey eant you but i knew like me in dyria i got out and i was stroegn and jonmanthan is strogn to and i new he woudl be alive and YOU just wantded to KEEP THE GANGN FROM KNOWING THAT HE IS ALIVE becau you want to craete...
Jon was so chsocked and love to hear such a thigh but it make s him even mader at the korn boys becuse the ysimplt woud not be fiedly but he think about this more ill tell you whats shapnneds
Fidly turn aroudn agrezively agaisn adn say "No.. No! NO NO NONJONONONO NOOOOOO!!!! He is screimdhg sooo loud at this pount
Your NOT goigj to rune thsi for me! i got thsi far you not goigh s get iy..." Fiedy yook the form of jdevil evil and smirk a smirkejbg smile and went crazy as heckle and then back to fiedyly form
The real fiedy look at jon and put a hand on his back and say "iTs time to meet your freinds.... Its time to be...
Korn again...
Good fileyd pushes Jonamathn off the gotles and crys a tear loud and softley he is waring a red cotton shit and it blowes so beitofuly in the wind and but he new wat hae had to do he wondrers for a second if what he is sdoign is wrong and if jon may die but lets be honest life woudk be the same isf jon dide so he dosent care all that mcugh
Devil paton come onthe roof and shoot evil feidly in the back of the head

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