and a side of corn

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"Here we begins.... ALways again... It keep on fuckign coming and coming and it never gona stop... "

Jon ;he whispered to himself (Jon) And then he thought well maybe i coud take a vacatin some place. nice to,....He take a drag of his cigaret and sigh deep eating a bit of the partikles and they ticle his throte the back of it. jomathan was i n a. alleye way and he woud not look back. nobodie new he came back after the "  hell  "   stunt and jdevl was heavey on jonathanms mind as he was depresed and sader then ever before . The brikc wall of the wall he was leaning on it fell anf crashed into crumble of nothin g; just a nother stupod insidient in jomatheins life always of coarse it woud happen to hi,.m he broke his leg of corse just his luck of corse.

Munky house - 4 AM

"Go d. guys im so wored for jon: muky saidand cride a litle but then hid it becuse he coudnt take beign sad so he dicided not to be.the sad feling was rare for munky so this wa s a big moment guys. Filedy got up and said Welp "Im not gona waite aroud while all you bafouns cryign and such thigns" ANd laugjed cold hartedly bringing rage to  brian head welch for he woud avenge his freind he had gay feelign for befor deep insidwe that he never broght out but oh boy they broghted out it this time filedy did it good and he was gona get it this time "OH boy Fiddy YOU DONE IT THIS TIME BIG GUY And he" FULL swing forcedfulyies into fieldy fucking face he hit the gorund and started cryign ( Also the saem time jon hit the groudn they are hapenign at the nsame time by the way  ) munky come over and shook fiedy on the flro and finaly said Its your fault. "" carelisley and with out a single damn care in his bodey it woud be the last time they woud be cool and budies it seemed like such long a time ago that jomathan died....... that crismis night was no good at all not one bit head thought to himself and so did munky (share0) ) posibley this woud be the day they all sawed comign wear CoRn woud

                                                                                    BREAKED UP.

"I canot do this with yuo i juts s cant! filedy said and cride loudley as they all codl atmosfear in the aire it was you coud cut a knife with the air it was so thick with depresion and fere of what maybe coud hapene to there band they loved so muchand deerly. They all started thinkign at once hey maybe there is not such coudl be such a cut deep wound in our band we coud start a knew and we could be NUCoRn and we cold make a new band of coarse it woudent be the same withoit dea r jomayhein but hey it woud be korn nd they coud see hot babe to along the way as they always did with there many miluions of fan abd nsit if then git ugbiored in evety sgiw an d. Fuck'

W"ere all goign to a hotel thats our vacatoin ok boys?" Fody saued to the gang. They did not thunk about it even for a second before head sad "Ok lets do it. Come on
"So they all hoped in fiddly's gampa's car amd neaded out into the streat to and c]\drive car and feed even speeds over the sped limit by 100 miles. Jofathan gets out in the hopsital and they tlel him "Your going to need a restful trip journey out some place I dont care get a hotle or some motle" A nurse sad to jompatan and he says he has a crazy wild look of disturbed on his face and no one efven coud tell becouse hes not his friends are not there to be with him and look after his mentle will being and theyre suposed to .w

Head gets ou tthe car and says ahh... "Were finaly here gang." Hits been a long hard Trip. Fedled thinks what an idoit... But he dosent say it if he did thinkesd that an yway. And they pull up to the driveway a mile up and nock on the door. A rinckly old menase opens it ansd sayes "Whoare you what do you wanat >" "Ohok come rigth this awy we will get you stitueated in a romme and youwill like it" andas Head was sweating Monky saeysd "What is this place anawyay..."

The overlocked hotel...

The tore guy d of the hotle went down the long halway and was flaling his arm aroudn saying look LOOK at this o-room and look ant this room as. well. Munky wentd to the bathroom ad it was just from then hed and feilsddys "O ,". "So........;;' Head said and filedy had a glimmer of somethifg in his eye but hesd cpuld not say what or how orn the inecksplicabnle feedling he got in deep his stomick it was this werid feling almost like his inturenel organgatans were moving and makign. a quench and some sort of bowel omovememt posily as well. Anwyas munky come in the business and head swooned he did reley still love dhte monky even if he did not say so he coudl feel it and it make him vulnrible when he slepe at night munky couldd decide to kill him (he coudlent))>n bu t hed doesnt care he slepe with him anyways and ut make a god decisodnd fcukn he liks munky and blew him a kis OK,.p Now filedy jump on one of the hotel bed (yhry got a room


and he make it sqqeudcky and somethding broke within it and the gang got s o mad filedy was alreafyd walkinm g on egshells but filey say "Hey were here to have a good time ok its not such a big deal anyway and also we have to get along thats the hole poiutn..." They here a loud bang noise as filedy is talking and they did not herd whathe said as cause of this which did have some teuth to it even though the y did not know that
9(filyd)they stil beeieve in him and say Ok filedy anyyyy waaaays and they start playign a pillow fighht

Jomathan crash int the hotel buidlign. A brick did falled on his head and he went YEEEEEEEOOOOOOOUUUUUCCCHHHHHH and screemed palming his dreadlocks that framed his light eyebrows and peircing very lightly and gorgudsly. Wate.This place.... What is it..... He looked up and tne sign said

The overlocked hotel...

Jomtan go in the buoldnging and he wakj ub the fronmt dor coorid door an dsine OLD GYUY saty s "WHAT WHAT DO YIYU WANT BOY." Nonathan gcries and gets jemotional (honathan emotional) and a tear goes down his eyes face gets caught in his beart. "Im just me ok Im just jonathan..." a d he WEAPS,. Tbe old man can sense his pane with a like a sichic link and says ok boy... "302. Thates yoyr riiom and you can go in the bathroom in it just NOT ON THE FLOOR!!!" so jontane goes full sycho and walks uopthe starees to ehes room 402... Locked"" Jonan sayes "KJust my lick." He

Kicks the dore open and he gose in and stumps ninto bed on under the covers SOCKS on. sitll. He heres banging thumping from the sealing above and gets so scared so absolutly terified for his life he canot understnand why someone would be makeing those noses...b

Munky gose out the room to go iotside in the back yatrd and use hte aouthsouse and pee or somehtigne yususe your amagination he sees a ghoul run away into the wild maze ahead... "Must be the wimd" Muny siense pants say but some part of him realy dos not beleave that and he gos back inside and jumps into bed on top of head acidently and Brian Head Welchs says fuck.......

sudenlythe hotel owner the one guy from befior)) bust intithe room s"You boys o wn this darn hotel now good only eve4 caused me greaf" sayedthemanAnd he left so fast without ny explination or anthign just leave them dry and high. Munky adnd head wee so confused munky face was beutiful head thoght to himself and blushed as he kisd him and they made out in the hotel bed while fileedy was tendign to the toiletries and he stoled some too the mirror it did not loomk right on filed and not just becuase he wa s ugly...head got up and tr7uned the porn off the porn off the tv and said "Hey. filedy buddy we own the hotel now i guess?: and filedy smiled a smirk thst head coud not see becyse fuledy was nakid in the bathroom and the ddoor as well. he did nt want to see thart

<Munky felt stragne and he dedcided to investigite the place if the would be own it after all. He peer nto the halway and walk down carefuly not to make a soudn at all not even a peep out of munktm

Room 402 ... Muncky saw this room. he tried to use his third eye powers to see through the door as this usyualy work for him.


He could not see a damned thing and this is how he knew smething bad gona happen. The crepey vibes he got, the images of jomathan runnig wild throygh his brane. mucky usualy iked scince but this was to personal and he did break a bit clutching his heart in his lightly hared chest that had ben covered with a soft coton baby blue tee.; oversized  as it hugn perectly on his shouders and it had stripes as well (gree

n) He know somethung was wrogn....

Very wrong at the overlooked hotel

(A/N hi guysssss sorry for the spellign mistakes aghhhh Belinda would NOT help me this time aroudn.. she dosnt likescarey things) Ill try to get her to help tha next chapter U BETTER DO IT BELLY!!>:(!)

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