chapter two

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we sit on board the ship on our way to Zaban city. a storm was here making the ship rock a lot but me, Zach, Gon, Kurapika, and lLeorio were unfazed by it. the captain had asked us to come talk to him and asked for our names we told him the he asked everyone why they wanted to be hunters i jumped in first "there's someone i want to meet.. even though he might kill me i still want to meet him!" i say smiling. then Zach " i want to help her find the person she's looking for and protect her if i can" he says with no expression. everyone finished saying why they wanted to be a hunter.


we had gotten to the harbor the five of us getting of the boat me and Zach head for the map with Leorio knowing what the captain was going to say to Gon. as we head for the cedar tree on the hill we end up in a small town and old lady came out and asked the question.


we got to the cabin where the couple lived me and Zach knew what was going to happen not wanting the others to be suspisous of how we knew this we kept quiet. (i don't remember what happened so lets skip a little.) me and Zach stayed in the house with Leorio while he tended to the mans wounds "hey Leorio can you cover your ears for a moment?" i asked him. he looked at me skeptically but did as he was asked. i look at the man Leorio was patching up " we know your the son of the couple and it was your sister they were pretending to kidnap just to test us, your lucky i told ?eorio to cover his ears or he would know this information as well." i say with a smile forming. the man looks at me suprised.


once we had all met up we were told we passed and were brought to the resteruant the couple and the daughter leave as the son brings us inside tells the man at the counter the password then brings us to room in the back which i knew was an elevator.


as the elevator comes to a stop there is a loud ding as the doors open, we walk out getting handed our number cards me getting 407 which i didn't like but didn't complain. a man that was a little round came walking over to us " my name is Tonpa would you like some?" he offers everyone a can Zach and i look at each other "sorry Tonpa but i can't except i can't drink juice" i state plainly. "oh okay" he nods. " hey i'm gonna go look around" i tell everyone while walking off hearing an okay from everyone. i walk around for awhile wanting to find Hisoka. i finally see him leaning against the wall i put my hands behind my back and walk towards him slowly feeling a little scared but i shrugged it off i stopped when i was standing a few feet away from him "your Hisoka right?" i asked. he opens his eye's slowly as if he is just noticing my presense, he looks me up and down finally setting his gaze to my eyes' "yes and you are?" he asked. "October-Rose..." i say a little quiet but he hears me. "what a cute name but it's a little long don't you think?" he asked with a smirk on his face. " i guess but i never really thought about it..." i say shyly. "hmmm how about I call you Rosie?" he asks suductevly. i blush at this and just nod. Zach comes walking over and sees who i'm talking to "so it seems you found him." he say nuging me with his elbow. i look at him and blush scarlet " Zach shut up!" i yell at him. "oh come on i know how you feel, even though this is the first time you met him in person" he teases me. "huh?" Hisoka asks confused. "oh it's just that she's in lo-" he started but i cut him of by punching him in the face making him fly back and hit a wall while my face is fifty shades of red. "YOUR NOT SUPPOSED TO TELL HIM!!" i yell at him emmbaressed to all hell. " um what is he not supposed to tell me?" Hisoka asks confused. i look at him "n-nothing!" i say as i run off.

Hisoka stands there dumbfounded at what just happened "that girl is very interesting...and cute. wait what am i thinking?' he mentally scolds himself after thinking that.

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