chapter one

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I sat in the cafeteria waiting for my friend he told me to meet him cuz he wanted to suggest an anime for me to watch, i didn't really want to hear it cuz most of the anime he ever made me watch was all lovey dovey and only sometimes did i like them, like fruits basket and Kamisama kiss those one were cool and so was Inuyasha but most of the time they ended up being stupid one's that didn't have a good plot to them at all, just as i was contemplating on leaving, my friend ran up and sat across from me "October-Rose! good to know you didn't ditch me like last time." he laughs. " i was contemplating it.. so what's this anime you wanted me to watch?" i asked my friend. "always right to the point shorty" he joke's making fun of me being shorter even though i'm a year older than him. " oh shut up Zach i'm not that short!" i huffed getting annoyed. " yes you a-" he starts to say when i cut him off "whats the anime Zach?!" i glare at him. he give's off a slightly feared expression. " hunter x hunter" he states the fear dissapearing. "hunter x hunter...? that doesn't sound all lovey dovey like the usual anime's but i guess i shoulnd't judge because Inuyasha" i say contemplating this info. " well it's not lovey dovey there's a lot of fighting and stuff you like they even do a little cooking... oops that was a little spoiler...." he says. my face brightens up with a big smile "really?!" i ask happily. "yeah oh and there's this perverted character who is a Phsyco clown!" he says knowing i would jump at the chance to watch it. " you got me at perverted!" i jump up and run out of the cafeteria.


i was sitting at my computer desk in my room at home searching for the anime Zach told me about. once i found it i grabbed my snacks and drinks and started watching it.

short timeskip---

it was way past midnight when i finished watching all the episode's i looked at my alarm clock on the nightstand near my bed it was 4:54 am. i think back to the episodes Zach was right about there being a perverted phsyco clown and damn was he hot 'i wish Hisoka was mine!' i think to myself. luckily it wasn't a school night so i didn't have to worry about waking up late, i pick up my phone from on the desk and dialed Zack's number and called him, after the third ring he answered i heard a groggy voice from the other end "hello?" he asked. "Zach you were right! and Hisoka is awesome i think i'm in love!" i shouted with glee. he chuckles a bit at what i said "i knew you would like him i kinda wish we could be in the anime so i could see the too of you together." he say's tirdley. " me too!" i shout happily. " i'm gonna get some sleep night" he says while i hum in agreement then hang up  jumping on my bed phone in hand i slowly drift off into a pieceful slumber.

i awaken to bird's chirping and someone yelling my name "October-Rose!" i Realize it was Zach. i open my eyes to see him crouching in front of me freaking out. i look around and realize where i am. "oh my god we're on whale island!" i shout while jumping to my feet. Zach falls back and stares at me in shock, i look at him and he looks younger like when we were in middle school him being the same height as i am. i help him up and look around then my eye's fall on Gon's house, i start running towards it hearing Zach sigh behind me but still follows, i stop running and stand in front of the door and knock. aunt Mito answers with a confused expression on her face " hello who are you?" she asks. "um...we're looking for Gon, my name is October-Rose and this is Zach" i motioned to Zach behind me finally coming to a stop out of breath. " oh are you friends of Gon's?"she asked me. "uh.. no but we want to be his friends.." i say nervously. " oh okay i'll get Gon why don't you come in" she ushered us inside. we walked in as she dissapeared upstairs i look back at Zach who was looking around. "i can't believe we're here..." he says softly. "i know isn't it cool?" i ask him. he nods "yeah it is" he smiles. Gon comes running down the stairs with aunt Mito behind him " hi i'm Gon nice to meet you!" he stops in front of us with a huge smile on his face. Zach and i look at each other and smile looking back to Gon we introduce ourselves. " how about the two of you stay for dinner?" aunt Mito asked. we look at each other as if on cue our stomachs growl. "we would love to!" we say in unision with drool coming from our mouths.


we sit in Gon's room talking about things "hey Gon?" Zach asks. "what is it?" Gon asks back. " how old are you?" as Zach asks, i smack the back of his head. Gon laughs "i'm ten! what about you two?" he smiles. "i'm 13" Zach says. "i'm 14.." i say not liking the question usually i would answer 'to old for that question' but didn't want to come of as rude. "that's so cool but i thought Zach would be older" he says. we both laugh at this knowing we thought the same thing. " no but we pretend it's like that cuz Zach acts like an older brother we've been best friends since we were kids." i say smiling.

timeskip 2 years later---

we had been together for so long training and hunting we were getting ready to go for the hunter exam my thoughts wander to Hisoka 'how will he act if i tell him he's hot? how would he react if i have an obsession with him? what would he do if i told him i'm in love with him?' i ask myself.

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