I really Couldn't Ask for More ❤

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Chanyeol pulled into the garage as quietly as he can and he stumbles a little to his feet, "shit," he thinks. He should've said no when his co-workers offered him alcohol, but he can't just fucking say no to everything everyone asks him to do and Baekhyun hates him for that. And maybe, he prays to whatever gods are up there, that Baekhyun won't notice that he's just a little tiny bit tipsy and that he won't yell at him for this. But it's a little past 10 pm and shit, he knows he's screwed. For someone so small (let's keep this a secret from Baekhyun, he doesn't have to know) he can be more intimidating than his boss, Kris or as everyone in the office names him; Angry Dragon. Maybe they can team up sometimes, Chanyeol shudders at the thought.

He then killed the engine and pulled out his car keys, made his way to the door with a thumping heart and drooping eyes. He's just quietly taking off his shoes along with his socks when he sees a tiny feet scurrying up to him, he then looks at the tiny man who's balling his little fist and scrubbing his eyes. "Dada," the little angel said with his matching angelic whisper-like voice and Chanyeol thinks that he's too cute.

"Hey baby, why are you still awake? It's past bedtime," Chanyeol gently says as he picks up Jesper and as he pulls the tiny man in to his chest, his tiny head fell to Chanyeol's broad shoulder. Chanyeol can smell the stinking alcohol on himself and he's thankful that his tiny angel is too tired to notice.

Baekhyun usually waits up for him even if it's late and waits by the door to scold him to the living pits of hell, and this is Chanyeol's god-knows-how-many times and he's not seeing Baekhyun anywhere and he's getting really nervous. Maybe Baekhyun fell asleep, he should feel happy if he really did, but he knows that he'll have to deal with him with this in the morning.

"Yes, it's past bedtime. Wow, I didn't know you're keeping track of time, how amazing!"

Chanyeol's eye widens and it twitches, but he searches nonetheless for the source of the voice that's dripping with sarcasm and ends up looking at the kitchen, where he sees Baekhyun finding who-knowswhat under the kitchen sink. Chanyeol's heart is racing, and thinks that maybe this is really it, he's going to die in the hands of his husband. Million thoughts of murder possibilities are clouding Chanyeol's head and his mouth goes agape and that was when Baekhyun spoke with all self-control his angry self could muster, "bring Jesper up to his room. He's been waiting for you all day because you promised to play with him"

uck. Chanyeol internally punches himself in the gut for forgetting when he sees Baekhyun pull something familiar under the kitchen sink, "he's tired." Baekhyun sighs as he puts his hands behind his back to straighten it.

Chanyeol then hurriedly and carefully went upstairs to put the sleeping angel to his big boy room as the five-and-a-half year old like would like them to call it, and kisses his forehead goodnight, "I'm sorry buddy," Jesper struggles to open his eyes and reaches out for his Dada and Chanyeol chuckles from the cute, he thinks he's really an idiot for not remembering. "no buddy, it's night night time. Dada really promises that he'll play with you tomorrow, okay?"

Chanyeol reaches out for Jesper's hair and smoothens it and gets Kkuma on the bedside table and tucks it with the sleeping angel, he kisses him again and reached for the doorknob. He'll finally talk with Baekhyun, alone. Shit.

Sighing, he went down the stairs and goes back to the kitchen. Baekhyun stands on his angry-withChanyeol stool with his hands on his hips, he knows this scene very well, eyebrows furrowed and lips thinned on his pale (cute) face. Chanyeol quietly approaches his possessed by Kyungsoo husband, Chanyeol mentally applauds Jongin for his never-ending patience, and prepares his (huge) ears for some, well, earful lecture.

Chanyeol opens his mouth to explain, but Baekhyun beats him to it. "I!" ...Baekhyun hisses. Chanyeol's mouth was still gaping and his eyes went huge, "am tired of lecturing you Park fucking Chanyeol, if it wasn't for Jesper I wouldn't scold you like this and DO YOU KNOW WHAT TIME IT IS? JESPER KEPT ASKING ME WHERE HIS 'DADA' IS-"

Baekhyun continues yapping in high pitch and Chanyeol closed his mouth and he is not even absorbing anything that Baekhyun is saying, distracted of how cute his husband is, standing on the stool as if to let his giant know that he's not going to be intimated by his height and that he, Park Baekhyun, is the boss of the fucking house. And Chanyeol just wants to holds his hand until they're 80 and say that 'we made it'. That was so irrelevant, and maybe this is what Jongin meant when he said that he'll love Kyungsoo no matter what after their huge argument two weeks ago; but that's another story

-this IS the last time! that you say YES to everyb-" Chanyeol unconciously reaches for his husbands hips, lifts him from the stool, and hugs him. "Park Chanyeol put me down! Bring me back to the stool I am not done with this conversation!" Baekhyun yells and pulls Chanyeol's ears, "ow! Baby, I'm sorry I won't do it again, OUCH!" Chanyeol stares at him, "you're so cute,"; oh, he was not supposed to say that. He gulps.

When Baekhyun heard the 'c' word coming out from the giant's mouth, he pulls his ears lower, and Chanyeol yelps in pain. Baekhyun continues yapping, his voice higher than earlier. "you better not do this again OR else-",

"DADA!!! APPA!!!" Jesper screamed from his room,

Chanyeol stared at Baekhyun who still has his hands on his husband's ears, and they both sigh. The older closes his eyes and finally lowers down his voice, but the giant could still detect the anger in it. "probably a bad dream again. Let's go, we'll make him sleep with us tonight." Baekhyun says as lets go of the giant's ears and struts away and the giant heaves a sigh.

When the older is finally at the foot of the stairs, he looks back at Chanyeol that is still frozen from his spot earlier, probably wondering if he should follow an angry Baekhyun or not. "Follow me you dumb fuck!", the older yelled again and the giant sprints to his husband's side and nearly trips. When he got closer to his husband, the giant pulls him to kiss his midget's temple, "we are not done with this, giant." and Chanyeol smiles when he saw his husband blushed. He really couldn't ask for more.



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