Hate Or Love? (1/5)

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Baekhyun and Luhan arrived at Chanyeol's party. Baek really didn't want to go since the two most annoying and mean people from their school are going to be there, Park Chanyeol and Oh Sehun. Luhan begged him to go because he's dating Sehun, and Sehun promised to make Chanyeol be nice to Baekhyun because if Baek is not going, neither is Luhan.

So in order to make Luhan stay, Sehun talked to his best friend Chanyeol before the party. Now the party is starting.

To Baekhyun, the party is a waste of time; he didn't know any of the popular kids there since he was really unpopular in his high school. But he had to be there for Luhan, that's what best friends do, right?

Baek and Luhan were chatting beside the pool in the backyard.

"I'm going to the bathroom," Luhan said as he walked away.

So Baekhyun stood there, bored to death, so when he turned around to grab a drink, he bumped into something solid. Looking up, he saw an angry Chanyeol. At first he was going to say sorry for bumping into him, but when he saw it was Chanyeol, he held it back and started to walk away, ignoring the giant.

"Yah! Byun Baekhyun! You bumped into me and you're not going to apologize?" he says loudly, which made several people look at them.

Baekhyun sighs and reluctantly turned around. "Mianhae," he says with an attitude, wanting to get away from him as soon as possible

Why do you want to get away from me so bad?" Chanyeol asked, "am I really that hot?" To be honest, he likes the attention he gets when he makes Baekhyun mad, and Baek is sooooo cute to him when he pouts. But of course he would never admit that since he's so arrogant.

"Yeah right," Baekhyun said, "I just want to get away from you."

"Why? Am I too hot for you to handle?" he smirked.

Baekhyun tried to hold the anger in by biting his lips; he really doesn't want to get in a fight, again.

"Actually, you're too stupid for me to handle."

A few people around them were like "oooooooo he got you" or "oh snap", some were even like "fight! Fight! Fight!" But they quickly shut up with a glance from Chanyeol.

"You know what? I'm trying to be nice to y-"

"I don't fucking care!" Baekhyun snapped before he could even finish his sentence.

"WELL TOO BAD!" Chanyeol started advancing towards the shorter causing Baekhyun to back up, not realizing he was at the edge of the pool.

Suddenly, Baekhyun slipped and fell backwards, Chanyeol reached out to grab him but it was too late. He fell into the pool, splashing water everywhere and getting everyone's attention.

People gasped and Luhan came running, screaming at the tall jerk, "WHAT THE HELL? WHAT DID YOU JUST TO DO!?"

I didn't do anything!"

Sehun came running too, speechless.

"Baekhyun! Are you ok?" Luhan asked, concerned, as he pulled the soaking wet boy out of the pool.

"Ugh I'm fine," he managed to choke out; sounding extremely calm for someone who just got pushed into the pool. A pang of guilt hit Chanyeol as he stared at the poor little guy, it reminded him of a lost puppy...

He made his way to Baekhyun and was about to apologize when Luhan stepped in front and said, "Park Fucking Yeol! I thought you would actually be nice for once but NOOOOO you had to ruin it! WE ARE LEAVING!" He grabbed the now shaking Baekhyun and started to walk towards the door.

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