Chapter 11

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Y/N's pov
At this moment, I find myself in the bathroom, carefully examining my appearance. I must say, Mr. Kim possesses a commendable fashion sense. However, it's a tad uncomfortable since it reveals a bit of my cleavage area. Despite this, the overall outfit is quite appealing..

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Not being one to indulge in makeup and intricate hairstyles regularly, the process of getting ready tends to consume some time for me. Nevertheless, the final outcome of my appearance isn't too shabby, I suppose. Once satisfied that I present a suitable look for the event, I make my way to the bedroom, where I am met by Mr. Kim patiently waiting for my arrival.

"Mr. Kim, did I keep you waiting for too long?" I inquired. "No, Ms. Y/N, you're on time. Shall we proceed? Our car awaits," he responded. With a nod, we exited together. As we approached the car, the driver moved to open the door, but Mr. Kim gestured for him to stand back and personally opened it—a peculiar but intriguing gesture, perhaps a display of chivalry.

Our journey led us to the venue, where the media eagerly welcomed us with flashing cameras. Clearly, Mr. Kim's success as a self-made businessman made him an admired figure. Exiting the car, he graciously opened the door for me, extending his hand, which I accepted. Let's clarify: it's not that I harbor any special feelings for him. Mr. Kim adopted a composed demeanor when the cameras focused on us, whereas I maintained a neutral expression – neither overly friendly nor aloof.

As we stepped into the hall, all eyes turned our way. The collaboration with Bangtan Industry had sparked a newfound interest, and now numerous opportunities for collaboration were knocking at my door.

(Just imagine they are talking in French)

In the midst of our gathering, a middle-aged man approached, greeting us with a warm, "Hello, Mr. Kim and Ms. Y/N."

"Hello, Mr. Neil, how are you?" Mr. Kim inquired, though his words seemed more a formality than genuine concern.

"I am good, what about you?" Mr. Wang asked, engaging in the customary exchange.

"I am great," Mr. Kim responded, his tone carrying a subtle air of detachment.

As the conversation unfolded, Mr. Neil turned his attention towards me, offering a compliment with a small, appreciative smile. "You are looking beautiful, Ms. Y/N."

"Thank you, Mr. Neil," I replied, expressing gratitude with a polite nod.

We talked for some more time then move from there to the dining area to the table assign for us Mr. Kim told me that some of his friends are also coming and he want me to meet them I already know who they are cause he told me. It's better to know about someone before meeting them
There they are Mr. Kim said while pointing towards a table with five male figures.

They turn their attention towards us as soon we reach the table.

Hello Ms. Y/n I think you know us already but still let me introduce ourselves, I am Kim Namjoon he is Seokjin, Hoseok, Jimin and Jungkook.It's nice to meet you.

Hello I am Y/N nice to meet you all.

After introducing ourselves we get busy with talking to each other about business and some other people.

Ah it's so boring do you want to go the lobby for some fresh air? Mr. Kim ask looking towards me and honestly I agree with him.

I would like that with that we went towards the lobby and settle ourselves on the sofa.

The cold wind was flowing which make me shiver slightly.

"Ms. Y/N are you cold"  "A little' when I said that Mr. Kim remove his blazer and give it to me. 'No Mr. Kim it's not needed' 'I insist and Y/N I think now you should start calling me Taehyung' he said it casually like he didn't just ask me to call him by his first name. 'Why Mr. Kim' I ask not understanding why he want me to call him by his name "well because I want to and we are obviously going to see each other frequently so why not?"  'Bu...' before I can finish he cut me off 'No buts I want you to call me by my name and that's it no argument' he said sternly not giving me chance to protest.

In the dimly lit room, Mr. Kim, also known as Taehyung, exuded an undeniable mystique. The party pulsed with energy, creating an atmosphere of intrigue. As we left, a silent promise lingered in the air, hinting at unexplored possibilities.

During the drive to the hotel, a subtle tension filled the air. Seeking a moment of reflection, I retreated to the bathroom. Upon emerging, the shared space with Mr. Kim revealed unspoken depths.

Exhausted, I sank into the bed, the night's events playing like a fleeting dream. Tomorrow held the anticipation of an early flight and a crucial deal, casting a shadow of uncertainty. The bed, a haven of quietude, became the stage for a tale tinged with mystery and the allure of the unknown.

'Don't worry sir I will do just as you say' said the person from other side of phone You better don't mess up cause it won't be good for you said a dominant cold voice which sent shivers down the spine of the other man Ok sir he said with shaky voice
which brought a smirk on the other man's lips and without saying anything more he hang up the call and look at himself in the mirror with a satisfied smirk on his face because everything is going according to him.

Who do you think he was and what plan he is thinking about? Any guess?

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