Part 3 Fifth life: Chineseassassins x Foodlover

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A few years passed by and when the sextuplets confessed their love to you, you thought about all the food you can get when you are in a relationship with them, so you agreed. Once the brothers discovered that you are pregnant, they were so happy that you were sleeping upstairs with them after a long time of staying inside the basement all by yourself. Still, all you could think of was their food and how they will cook you now meals, since pregnant women need healthy food, but that doesn't mean you can leave the basement however you please.

You sit in the basement, eating a meat bun you got from Osomatsu a few minutes ago, enjoying the taste and the warmth. 'I wonder why they don't allow me to leave the basement, it's not like I will die when I take a step outside. ... I bet it's because they just don't want me to eat snacks.' You huff and pout, but take a bite from the meat bun. Once the food is gone, you sigh sadly when your stomach growls and you still are hungry, rubbing your slight baby bump. "I know, I know, you are hungry too..." You mumble and sigh, before you look around and get up from the floor, walking on tip toes over to the stairs who lead upstairs. 'I'm sure they don't mind when I come out for a moment to grab a small snack.'

You smile to yourself from this great idea, reaching a hand out to the door and carefully opening it. You peek outside, wait a few seconds, before you sneak out and tip toe towards the kitchen to grab something to eat. 'They said they closed the restaurant today, but doesn't this mean they are home? Why didn't they-' "We can't lock Y/n forever inside the basement." You stop to walk before you could enter the kitchen and look down to the floor. "Her body needs sunlight." Choromatsu says serious. "But if we let her out, she might never want to go back inside. We can't risk going outside with her, besides, we have a few enemies who would kidnap her when they find out about her." Osomatsu says calm. "I agree, it would be too dangerous for our little lady." Karamatsu sighs. "We should lock her with a chain to the wall, just in case someone forgets to lock the door from the basement." Todomatsu says with a cute smile. "Do you think Y/n will just accept it?" Ichimatsu ask confused. "I'm sure if we keep feeding her, she won't mind!" Jyushimatsu says with a happy smile.

You turn away and tip toe away from the kitchen, before you make your way pass the basement and walk to the back door where the brothers throwing the garbage into a trash can. 'What do they mean, locking me up? Am I some kind of animal to them? Just because I always get hungry?' Tears welling up in your eyes and you quickly open the door, before you run out of the alley and away from the restaurant, without wearing shoes.

You run for a while, with a blurry sight in front of you and your feet hurting from the cold outside. Slowly, you start to stop, because your stomach hurts and your chest, so you start to walk now to calm down. 'Do they even love me? Do you lock people up you love?' You sniffle and try to wipe your tears away, shutting your eyes for a moment, but flinch when someone bumps against your arm rather harsh and stumble to the side. "Ah..." You lose balance when you stepped onto a stair and fall back, seeing with a blurry view a shocked face from a man who froze in his spot. You hear someone yelling your name, but you look up to the clear blue sky, before something hard hits the back of your head and everything turns black.

"Hah ... how boring."

"?!" You open your eyes startled and look panicked around, but froze when you see four women with the same face like you, but they all wear different clothes. "Wow, that was a boring death." The one with the white, almost ripped clothes sighs. "At least it was an accident, so doesn't this mean we might be lucky and don't die the next time?" The one in the orange yukata ask with a curious smile. "M-Maybe..." The one with the cat ears mumbles shyly. "W-What-?!" You flinch when the one in the white clothes throws something at you.

You catch it, but look down with widen eyes at the lollipop, before you look up to her with a hurtful expression. "Don't look at me like that. They said I should be nicer." She says annoyed and looks back to the monitor, watching the sextuplets torturing the man who was the cause of your death. "Don't worry, you aren't some kind of animal, you just love eating very much." The one in the orange yukata says with a soft smile. "Y-You um ... y-you are human..." The one with the flower crown stutters.

You look down with teary eyes and sniffle, placing a hand onto your belly, before you start to sob. The one with the cat ears hugs you panicked, her tail wrapping around you to comfort you.

"Let's see who the next one is like~." The one in the white clothes says with a smirk.

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