Hunted House

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On my way to the new house I looked around this old meadow of flowers and started to think this place not might be as bad as I thought. But that's when I saw a old house. The house was super creepy,I didn't like it at ALL. I asked my mom when we will get there thats when she said,

" we are just about to turn here"my mother said

"Huh THIS creepy house is our house?!"I said in angry voice.

"Chill out Journey" said my younger brother said.

"Its not that big if a deal jeez" said ny friend over the phone.

"Fine gosh I will chill" I said in a annoyed tone.

As we pulled up to the creepy house i didn't see any more houses or anyone there we were in the middle of no were.i didn't know what to say. I looked at my cellphone and the internet wasn't working at all.

"MOMMM THE INERNET IS OUT WHY WONT IT WORK" I yelled from the car while my mom and father went inside. Thats when my little brother said " well know you can't talk to your CRUSHHH". I wanted to kill him so badly. As I walked into the house and  looked around. I noticed how nice the inside looked.

"Wow mom this place looks nice on the inside then it does on the outside" I said.

My mother laughs and says"well do you take back what you said about moving?"
"yea" I thought.

Weeks later...

As I finally got packed into my room after two to three weeks of unpacking everything in my room and bathroom.i jump face forward onto my bed from a long trip from the car to the room AND u packing I was sleepy. As I dozed off into a deep sleep my brother busted into the room screaming "MOM SAID DINNERS READYY" as he jumped on my bed waking me up and chasing him down stairs.

"Kids calm down " said my dad as he sat at the table.

"He started it?!" I said angrily.

"No I didnt" he said.

"Nvm that Just come sit at the table and eat" said my mom

As we sat there and ate are food I finished super fast and told my mom and dad I was going to bed early because I was tired.

I went to my room shut the door locked it and called my boyfriend Anthony. I was talking to him and my friends on group chat.
We all talked for hours before I noticed something weird behind the house. I didn't mind it and went back to bed. I saw the same thing for days and days so one night I went to check it out. As I went into the shed. Thats when I saw something that made me want to puke. 

I tried to run outside when I heard something from behind me. I looked behind me and a man in a mask was trying to throw a chainsaw at me. I ran as fast i a could while trying to call the police while looking at my phone i stepped in a bear trap hurting my legs i crawled into the long grass while trying to scream in pain waiting for the police.

I started to hear a siren and screamed when someone touched my back. It was a old man telling me to shutup before he hears. but it was too late the masked man heard and started to run at me but as soon as the masked man got close to me a officer talked him to the ground and arrested him while i was taken to the hospital to treat my leg.

my family still lives in that house till this day but one thing i will never forget was the thing in the shed that made me run in the first place...


~love alana💛

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