Chapter 2: Sleeping Graces.

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She's alive.

She's right here.

After stepping into my brothers portal and watching his face as Clementine pulled him back, the pure terror in his eyes lives like a plague in my memory, feeling his presence being abruptly ripped away from my own, shouting his name being of no use as his portal closed around me.

Clutching her frail body in my arms as she still lay unconscious, her soft cheek laying against my chest as I gaze down at her, seeing her heart so pure and so full of love I know now that no matter what she does she could never hide her heart away from me, as long as she stays in her true form her heart will always be clear to me.

She still loves me.

A sudden urge to protect her from everything and everyone came over me, not wanting anyone to see her- especially not Leto, knowing from now on that no matter what happens he can never know that she still lives, he can never see her, I cannot let our lives once again be stolen by him.

Deciding not to go back to the bunker I had changed the location in the portal, I had changed it to a loft conversion made into a flat, a place where I used to live before I decided it was time to appear back in my brothers life, living here in my misery and being completely and utterly alone I had begun to slowly lose my mind, not seeing nor speaking to another living soul, this flat became my prison.

Appearing in the living room I had stepped out of the portal, feeling my heart almost pulling me back, wanting so badly to go get my brother, he has done the one thing that could surely kill him, as soon as he unbounded himself from Kao I immediately felt the effect it had on the Earth.


Standing by the high window overlooking the city, fires burn so high up into the sky the smoke fills up every inch that goes on for miles, although the glass is thick I can still hear the sounds of chaos, the chaos of the mundanes losing all their sanity, insanity only being the sole driving force that forces them to act out of character.

Days have passed since the world turned to shit, ever since that first day a storm has been going on, rain so harsh bucketing it down from the dark sky, thunder and lightning giving one hell of a show and in all that time my Lula still lays in my bed, still very much unconscious, but her heart beats ever so strong, somehow being able to hear it beating gives me hope that she will awaken.

Gazing over at her from the window she still wears that long blue linen dress, the covers only partly covering her lower body, her gorgeous long dark brown hair spreading all around her on the pillow, all signs of the Valkyrie that once took over her gone, her very own familiar scent of her Halfdead being so strong I can smell it all way by the window.

My heart aches.

So many worries and questions swarm around my brain, feeling her conscious in her mind as she searches for meaning for why she is still alive, blocking myself mentally from her by not letting her know that I am here I try my best to stay as quiet as possible, because although her body is still processing reverting back to her true form her mind is very much awake.

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