Chapter Two

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Precious Love

It has been a few weeks since we seen that boy band and Jin-Soo won't shut up about it.

"We need to get better jobs." Jin said.

"Yeah I know." I sigh.

It was hard for me to find a job in Korea since I'm black. I didn't ask to be born this way but I am. When I found this job it was a blessing but the pay isn't enough.

"Jin you can work anywhere considering you went to make up academy." I said.

"Yeah I know but what about you?" She asked.

"I'll be fine as long as one of us become successful we will be ok." I said reassuring her.

"I'll think about it." She said.

I smiled at her and we continued the rest of our day. Jin and I parted ways at the end of our shift since she wanted to do some shopping. I walked into our tiny apartment and took a shower. I got dressed in something comfortable and made me something to eat.

As I was munching on my food my phone begin ringing.

"Hello." I said.

"Precious how are you?" He asked.

"Dad I'm good I miss you." I said.

"I miss you to, how's Jin-Soo?" He asked.

"She's good I convince her to put her degree to use." I said.

"That's good did you get the money I sent you?" He asked.

I sigh.

"Dad I'm supposed to take care of you." I said.

"Precious I'm the adult." He said.

"Dad I am to I'm 25." I laughed.

He sighed.

"I know with the job you have you're barely making enough." He said.

He sounded so sad and stressed out.

"Actually dad I have a new job." I lied.

"Really?" He ask excitedly.

I closed my eyes, I hated lying to him.

"Yeah dad Jin-Soo and I would be moving soon if everything goes well." I said.

"That's great I'm happy for you, oh sweetie I have to go love you." He said.

"I love you to dad." I hung up and sigh.

My dad worked overseas as a mechanic for boats and ships. My mom abandon me and sent me to Korea with my dad who I barely knew at the time. I miss him so much, I definitely needed to find a better job.

I opened my laptop and went searching. It took hours but I finally  found something that has great pay and amazing benefits.

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