The Day Before The Beginning || 00 ||

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   She sat cross-legged on the circular chair, eyes shut. Calmness consumed every ounce of her body. Meditation was something the girl had been taught from a youngling. The sunset glowed through the open blinds, casting a golden glow onto the peaceful padawan learner.

     The hiss of the door opened, breaking her out of her trance. Gently, the youngling turned toward the door, curious to who had entered. 'Hello master.' The girl stood up and bowed to the Jedi Master.

     'I'm sorry for interrupting your meditation, young Dravvad. The council has summoned your presence.' The master, known as Tyria Baric, had said, a smile on her face.

      Osira Dravvad nodded, walking toward her master. The walk to the council chambers was a short one, the meditation rooms being close. Osira clasped her hands together in front of her, nervousness setting in. The young girl was rarely summoned by the council, let alone without her master. 'Do you know what they want, master?" Osira asked, looking up.

       Tyria shook her head. 'I do not, sorry young one.' The Jedi Master stopped them as they came to a large set of wooden doors, engraved with tales of the Jedi. Baric wrapped her knuckles against the door, loud knocks echoing through the empty hallway. Ominously, the doors opened,  revealing the Jedi council members, including Master Yoda and Master Windu.

         Osira looked up at her master, who nodded at her, gently pressing her hand against her back, urging the girl forward. The padawan took in a deep breath before making her way to the centre of the room, the wooden doors closing behind her. 'Good evening, masters.' Dravvad announced politely, bowing to them all.

             'Padawan Dravvad, arrived you have. News for you, we do.' Master Yoda said, seemingly getting straight to the point. Osira tilted her head in curiosity, 'News, Master Yoda?' She queried. The green creature nodded to his head, looking to Master Windu.

           'You will be escorting Master Qui-Gon Jinn and his padawan learner to negotiate. This will be an observation and learning task for you.' The aforementioned said, leaning back in his chair. The girl looked confused at the older man.

'My master will not be coming?'

             'Another mission, your master has. Too dangerous for you, it is. Safe with Jedi Master Jinn, you will be.' Yoda replied, smiling softly to her.

            'He is waiting for you on take off platform 4. You will be smart to make a stop for your lightsaber.' Mace Windu said, eyeing the empty space where her sacred weapon should be. Osira's cheeks flushed pink slightly in embarrassment as she nodded. 'Good, you're dismissed.'

               She bowed once more before leaving the chambers, her master waiting outside for you. 'Is everything okay, youngling?' The older woman asked as they walked down the hallway. 'I sense confusion and fear in you.'

               The younger one looked down, tucking her padawan braid behind her ear. 'They're sending me off with another Master and his Padawan, and you're not going to be there.'

             Tyria sighed softly before she stopped them, and knelt down in front of her learner. 'Do not be afraid, young one. Fear is a path to the dark side.'

              Osira chewed the inside of her cheek, before taking a deep breath. 'I know Master, but what if something happens to you? Or...or me! I haven't been on assignment without you master. What if I make a mistake that ends up putting the other two at risk?' She ranted at her master, who smiled softly in response.

               'Get rid of those thoughts. Remember what I taught you, be mindful of your feelings. You'll do great, you're one of the most promising learners I know. And if somethings happens...then the force will guide us.'

                   Tyria stood back up after her padawan nodded. 'Now, time to get your lightsaber. Off you go, I'll meet you at platform 4.' Osira nodded and ran off, not wanting to make the other Jedi wait any longer. She looked around her room, grabbing her saber. She grabbed her beige cloak, putting it on before rushing to where she was to meet Qui-Gon Jinn.

                At the platform, she spotted her master talking to a tall brunette man, who's hair had been tied back. He turned to look at her, as did Tyria, who waved her over. The girl picked up her speed, quickly meeting them. 'Qui-Gon, this is my Padawan, Osira Dravvad. Dravvad, this is Master Qui-Gon Jinn.'

                'It's a pleasure to finally make your acquaintance, young one. Your master has spoken very highly of you.' Qui-Gon said, his voice soft and calming.

             'And you, Master. I hope I live up to expectations.' Osira replied, smiling back at the older gentlemen.

              'I'm sure you will. Obi-Wan is waiting on the ship for us.' He looked to Tyria. 'I will protect her, you have my word.'

              'I know you will.' The master replied, before smiling down at her Padawan. 'You be good now. And remember, may the force be with you. Always.'

                 'And you, master.' She said sadly. Without a second thought, she hugged her mother-figure tightly. 'I'll miss you.' Osira whispered before pulling away and bowing.

                   'And I, you.' Tyria smiled before bowing and walking off. Qui-Gon pressed his hand against the young one's upper back, gently guiding her onto the ship.

                      Osira looked around the inside of the ship, noting how similar yet different it was to her master's. 'Obi-Wan! I have someone I'd like you to meet!' Qui-Gon called out. A few moments later, a young boy, not much older than herself, emerged from what looked like a living space. She took in his appearance, his spikey blonde hair, his neutral coloured robes, his blue eyes.

                      'Obi-Wan, this is Jedi Padawan learner Osira Dravvad. She will be joining us for the negotiations.' Obi-Wan looked her up and down before stretching out his hand politely, to which Osira gladly shook. No nervousness was present between them as they smiled at each other.

                   'Pleasure to meet you.' The kids said simultaneously, Qui-Gon watching with an amused grin. He could already tell how great they would be together, now and in the future where the force would lead them.

                  'Now then-' the padawan pulled their hands away from each other, gazes being drawing up to the wise man stood in front of them, '- Let's go and negotiate, shall we?'


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