The Not-So-Grand Negotiations || 01 ||

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                The three stood in a line, hoods over their eyes. Osira was in between to two male Jedi, watching the stars pass them by as they closer to the Trade Federation's ship. Her heart beat rapidly, nervous for her first mission with two strangers that she'd never met, nor heard of before. She took in a deep breath, clasping her sweaty hands together. 'Captain.' Osira heard Qui-Gon speak up from beside her. 

                  'Yes sir?' They asked, turning around to face the Jedi Master.

                  'Tell them we wish to board at once.'

                  'Yes sir.' The Captain turn back around. After pressing a few buttons, a hologram of the traders appeared. 'With all due respect for the Trade Federation, the Ambassadors for the Supreme Chancellor wish to board immediately.'

                   'Yes, yes, of you know, our blockade is perfectly legal, and we'd be happy to receive the Ambassador...Happy to.' One of them said, a nervous look etched on their face. After the brief contact, the hologram disappeared. After a few moments, the cruiser docked into the main bay of the Federation ship.

                     As soon as it was safe to, the Master Jedi and the trainees exited the ship, hoods still covering their faces. 'I have a bad feeling about this, Master.' Osira whispered to the elder gentleman. When they reached the ground, a protocol droid was stood waiting to greet them.

                      'I'm TC-14 at your service. This way, please.' The droid welcomed, before turning around and leading them down a hallway. Osira looked around, though she didn't get much of a chance to take in  anything when a set of doors opened in front of them.  'I hope you honored Ambassadors will be most comfortable here. My master will be with you shortly.' The droid bowed before backing out of the door, it whooshing shut behind it.

                      At the same time, the trio lowered their hoods. The raven haired female took a closer look at the men before her. Obi-Wan, she had learned, was 25 years young with ocean blue eyes, and close to becoming a Jedi Knight. His Master, Quin-Gon Jinn was nearing 60 years of age, his silver-brunette hair tied back from his aged face. Whilst she'd observing them, she noticed the father-son bond between the two men. It made her smile, knowing it wasn't very often you saw that type of bond between Master and Padawan.

                      She supposed she was one of the luckiest few who had that special bond. 'I also have a bad feeling about this.' Obi-Wan spoke up, his eyes focused on the elder. The other raised an eyebrow at his Padawan, almost as if questioning him.

                       'I don't sense anything.' Qui-Gon responded. The youngest sat down in one of the cushioned chairs, staring out of the window.

                        'It's not about the mission, Master, it's something...elsewhere...' The blonde muttered, crossing his arms.

                        'Don't center on your anxiety, Obi-Wan. Keep your focus here and now, where is belongs.' Kenobi furrowed his brows.

                         'Master Yoda says I should be mindful of the future.' He retorted.

                         'But not at the expense of the moment. Be mindful of the living force, my young Padawan.' Dravvad noted the opportunity the Jedi Master took to teach his student another life lesson.

                         'Yes, master.' Obi-Wan paused for a moment, before another question rose to the surface. 'How do you think the trade Viceroy will deal with the Chancellor's demands?' Osira watched Qui-Gon ponder the question, looking at the other.

                            'These Federation types are cowards.' He responded.

                             'I feel these negotiations will be short.' The female Padawan spoke up, causing the two men to look at her, acknowledging her answer and presence. It was silent for a few moments before the droid, TC-14, re-entered the room holding a tray with three silver cups. As they went to reach for a drink, a loud explosion from the docking station was heard. The Jedi stood up and took out their lightsabers, igniting the colored blades. As they stood waiting for something to happen, Qui-Gon noticed the green gas flooding the room.

                               'Dioxis.' He muttered, all of them shutting off their weapons. Osira knew what this meant, sucking in a deap breath before the gas reached her, Obi-Wan and Qui-Gon following suit.

                               Outside the doors, a plethora of battle droids stood in formation, surrounding a hologram. 'They must be dead by now. Blast what's left of them.' Said hologram demanded before shutting off. One of the droids opened the door slowly, the others holding their blasters toward the space as the deadly smoke billowed from the conference room.

                             'Oh, excuse me, so sorry!' TC-14 exclaimed as they exited the room, noticing the other droids. They quickly scampered passed the battle droids. A second later, the trio ignited their lightsabers once more making their presence known. The droids didn't have time to react before they were cut down. 

                              Rapidly, they ran down the hallway, slicing more droids in half, Obi-Wan pushing a group of them against the metal wall. This repeated for a short while before they reached the bridge. Obi-Wan and Osira stood guard as Qui-Gon started to cut a whole in the doors, the metal melting. However, he didn't get very far when the blast doors where shut on the other side. The Jedi pulled out his green blade from the door. He took a deep breath, looking around before slamming his saber into the door, attempting to get through again.

                                The two padawans continued to wield their weapons against the stick droids. Just as the Master was about to break through, Obi-Wan's eyes widened. 'Master, destroyers!' He exclaimed. The older male turned around, joining the other two in the fight against the droids. 'They have shield generators.'

                                 'It's a stand-off.' Qui-Gon replied. 'Let's go.' Without waiting another minute, the Jedi's sprinted down the hallway, blocking the blasts shot at them. As soon as they got to the end of the hallway, Osira noticed a vent that would be able to fit the size of them all.

                                  'In here!' She said, using Obi-Wan's shoulder to boost herself up and took off the grate. She climbed into it, offering her hand to help the other two up. Once they were all in the vent, Qui-Gon pat her shoulder. 

                                   'Good thinking, young one.' He praised, before leading the way through the vent. They maneuvered their way through the vent, soon making it to where their ship once stood. The older Jedi opened the grate quietly, allowing Obi-Wan and Osira  to quietly jump down behind some crates, soon following suit. Obi-Wan crept forward, peering over and looking at the thousands of droids. 

                                 'It's an invasion army.' He said to Qui-Gon.

                                  'It's an odd play for the Trade Federation. We've got to warn Naboo and contact Chancellor Valorum.' He thought for a moment before turning to his Padawans. 'Let's split up. You two, stow aboard a seperate ship. I'll meet you on the planet.' Osira nodded, grabbing Obi-Wan's hand and pulling him toward one of the ships.

                                    'You were right about one thing, Sira.' The blonde said, shocking the girl with a nickname. 'The negotiations were short.'

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