A different end to the quiz

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Hello if  you  cant remember wtf happened in the real ending go read our favourite lesbian couple now!

No one's pov
Miss plants was getting ready to jump across and just as she does a loud bang could be heard as she hit the other side
"YAHOO" she screams

The camera swoops towards mr Blown who starts the jump across the gap and is able to make it!
"Well done" gongratulates the presenter
"Ok mr blown now that you have made it you must answer correctly to either allow you to continue or mr lawrence to make it to you"
"The question is what would mr lawrence want the most  out of all of these things,is it
A:you to accept his apology
B:You to kiss him
Or C: you to read smut with him
What is your answer?"
"Its either A or C, hmm, i think its going to have to be A" He says worryingly
"Ok then is it A:for him to accept his apology"
The room flashes between green and red
It slows
Then with a loud noise the room goes red
"Oh no" The presenter whispers tryung to seem anoyyed
"BLEEP" Mr blown swears(naughty) but it id blocked by scensorship
"Ok so you can still bring this back if you twke this deal, normally the round will move on to the opposite team and you have a chance next rounf ,but my offer is if you mr lawrence make this jump to mr blown then you stay but if you dont you lose the entire show. So what is your  answer."
"YES" They both scream
Mr lawrence prepares and hes about to jump bjt then the breaks roll in

Hello im gay
And im not
But its doesnt matter cause we can still be friends
My friend is so nice i love them
Oh wait we are both gay
Yay lets sex
The viewers quickyl realise that this is an advert for safe sex
Always use a condom and practice safe sex to avoid the STD covid 19

Mr lawrence jumps he falls and his head bashes into the other side as he touches the ground and the croud groan at the sight of failure
"NO THIS GAMES IS BLEEP RIGGED GET THE BLEEP AWAY FROM ME" Mr lawrence screams as he stomps away. Whilst this happens mr blown falls to his knees and starts to cry knowing that this may be the end.

Our favourite lesbian couple: The four loversWhere stories live. Discover now