Dream- WM

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(Not proof read, sorry if there's any mistakes)

Y/n pov:

Growing up in Westview wasn't very exciting. My whole friend group lived right next to each other while me, well I'm on the other end of town. So I had about a mile or two of walking distance just to hang out and eat pizza rolls. Which honestly is a vibe but with this red smoke shit floating around sometimes it doesn't match my vibe.

After school one day my friends and I were walking home. We decided to stop at the 7/11 a few yards from the school and get a few slushees. I got purple, Alex got red, and Ally got blue. We were riding a vibe.

When we paid and gathered all our belongings and stepped outside for Alex to smoke. We saw a huge bubble like explode. It was red and awesome to be honest. We were all interested in seeing where it came from but before we could do that. It was like everything changed. The 7/11 behind us turned into an old ice cream parlor. The school turned into a suburb of houses and the cars. The cars were old and beautiful. We were all wearing something that looked like it was out of the 80s. When I looked to Alex and Ally they seemed confused and lost. Same as me. But when I went to talk to them they didn't know who I was.

" Alex we need to go home right now" I said frantically

" Umm pardon me but who are you?" He asked steeping towards me with his hand out for me to shake.

" Alex? Ally? Guys come on is this some kind of sick joke?" I ask them

" Cmon honey we need to head home before the sunsets" Alex said gesturing towards Ally as they hopped into a car and took off down the street.

I just stood there confused as fuck. Why am I not experiencing any kind of trip? Why was I still the same? What's going on?!?

When I arrived in my driveway of my mothers house, I noticed the color of the house changed from a light grey to an old cream color. I tilted my head in confusion until a middle aged woman came up to me and smiled.

" Hello darling, are you the new neighbor?" She asked as she put her hands on her hips

" Uhh yeah sure, im Y/n" I said holding my hand out for her to shake

" Well hi there Y/n im Agnes" she smiled and took my hand and shook it gently

After we exchanged a few words and were in the middle of conversation another younger woman walked up behind Agnes and gave me another smile.

Just being in her presence make me feel comfortable and warm and welcomed. Especially now since my whole home town is different.

When she smiled, I smiled.

" You must be Y/n, im Wanda. I live across the street" she smiled and pointed to the very nice house across the street.

" Nice to meet you Wanda. Wait- how did you know my name?" I asked confused and she tilted her head with a grin.

" Just lucky guess that's all" she responded and shrugged

" ok well im gonna get going. I'll uh- see you guys later!" I said as I quickly made my way into the house.

It was finally nighttime and I assumed the town was ready for bed. The only lights lit in houses were the house across the street. Wanda's. I pulled the curtains back a little to get a closer view of her house.

There it was. The red smoke. It was circling around in her living room. She was nowhere in sight. Im so confused. Is she a magician or a witch? I need to find out because what if everyone is living in this dream and I'm the only one conscious enough to know that I'm not paying an act. The only one aware of what's going on.

E.Olsen/W.Maximoff imagines-oneshots Where stories live. Discover now