Lava cake - EO

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(Not proof read)
Aries POV: (5 years ago)

I've owned and managed this restaurant for almost a decade now. Honest and good reviews ever since. Good service and good food. I'm a good boss.

Monday afternoon-well lunchtime. We aren't as busy as any restaurant owner wished to be but we do have a few guests. I usually make sure the kitchen is running and fully stocked before going out and greeting everyone and asking if they need anything.

" Boss, 4 o'clock" Marco says as he grabs 3 menus and points his head at the entrance.

There stood a brunette woman, A blonde woman and a young little girl. The 2 women had on shades and the little girl had on a sun hat. Covering their features.

I make my way towards the group and grab the menus from Marco.

" Hello, welcome to Venice Palms. I'm Aries and I will get you seated in our private dining hall" I said and motioned for them to follow me.

Getting them seated wasn't difficult but getting them to talk was.

As I'm fiddling around in the kitchen, Marco burst through the doors, panting.

" What's wrong?" I ask as I hurry towards him

" They are very intimidating, the blond one kept asking if we had any secret wine that wasn't on the menu that she could taste. And the kid kept saying she wanted vegan nuggets" he said causing me to giggle.

" I'll take care of them, go back to the cellar and get me the most expensive red wine there is and bring it to me at the table" I responded and he nodded.


" Do you guys know what you want to order?" I ask the women and they all nodded.

" I'll take the Venice Caesar salad with no crutons please and no cranberries" the blonde one said.

" I'll have the Austria Spring Salad with no cranberries and extra balsamic dressing please" the brunette one answered, I nodded and wrote down everything she said.

" and she will have the kids veggie burger" the blonde one noted and handed me their menus

Marco came up to me and handed me the bottle of wine before scurrying back to the kitchen.

" And here's the wine your requested" I said as I popped the cork and poured two glasses.

" Give me a brief summary on this wine, I don't believe I've ever had it" the blonde woman said.

" It's like a summer bliss, like a grape exploding in your mouth. But also again something you would like to sip on when your around your mother in law" I said and they giggled and shook their heads while the little girl just looked confused.

" So out of one to ten how tipsy am I gonna get from this very glass" the blonde asked with a teasing smile.

" well considering I used to drink this wine all the time Umm I'd say about-on a tipsy meter about a nine" I said and mirrored her smile. I looked over to the brunette and she looked like she was battling something in her mind but a gently, warm smile plastered on her face.

" Well I guess we better just sip on this then" the blonde said directing the comment towards the brunette and they both giggled.

" Can I get you lovely ladies anything else?" I asked and they both responded with a no and thank you.

E.Olsen/W.Maximoff imagines-oneshots Where stories live. Discover now