Chapter 3

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Who is that boy?

Clearing in the woods

I stood in the clearing, staying close to Rosie and Emmett, almost scared of how the wolves would react to the few spells I would use while training. Tapping my fingers against my thigh, waiting.

When the pack walked into the clearing, they all stood in their wolf forms, one of the wolves caught my eye. He was ganglier, sandy-colored and his paws seemed too big, he looked younger, when his brown eyes met mine, I felt safe.

I had to tear my eyes away having missed half the conversation. Feeling a connection between us but brushing it off in hopes to regain focus.

"A newborn army doesn't need thousands like a human army. But no human army can stand against them." Jasper announced walking in between the wolves and our coven. "Now the two most important things to remember are first never let them get their arms around you, they'll crush you instantly. The second, never go for the obvious kill, they'll be expecting that, and you will lose."

Edward and Carlisle were sparing, Edward threw Carlisle and turned his back on him. Rookie mistake. "One more thing, never turn your back on your enemy," I added, as Carlisle got up and threw Edward to the ground.

I watched as the wolf who I assumed was Jacob, walked over to Bella, where she rubbed between his ears. The sounds of my coven mates sparing, the smell of wet dog, then Alice laughed. The clearing was becoming too crowded, images of fires, limbs flying, my mother's screams, the laughter of Aro Volturi. My breathing became ragged. I ran towards the Cullen's home. Only stopping when I was safely in my room far from the training.

I shakily sat on the grey-clad bed that sat in the room for show if I drank blood. Trying to calm my breathing, my mind wandering to the sandy wolf, thoughts of his brown eyes helped calm my nerves. 1,196 years later I still had flashes of the worst day of my life. The day I lost a mother, but my father lost his other half and parts of his mind.

I didn't leave my room until the day before the army was supposed to attack, unable to face the Cullen's after looking like a coward in the clearing. The moment I stepped into the living room, I was met with a hug from Esme and a reassuring smile from Carlisle. There are moments I wished I had been physically and mentally older than 15 when I stopped aging, this was one of them. The oldest vampire in the room but the weakest because of when I was "turned".

Doubt entered my mind, anxiety eating at me. Jasper looked at me like he knew how I was feeling, and a wave of calm overcame me. I sent him a questioning look, but Edward answered.

"Jasper can feel and manipulate emotions,"

"Did I ask you?" I questioned sending him a glare.

Rosie came and wrapped her arms around me, whether it was to make me feel better or protect Edward from my wrath was unclear. Emmett put a hand on my shoulder, and I could see by the look in his eyes they were angry at Edward for everything he had put me and his own family through, all for a little human.

Edward left with Bella and Jacob to take her up the mountain. I stayed close to Rosie and Emmett, as they took on a parental role in my life at least at home, out in the world of Forks I was just a little sister. That was apparent when I went to the Forks public library, trying to take my mind off things, Emmett tagging along to keep an eye on me.

The Forks public library was small and sad, nothing compared to anything in England, Paris, or Romania. The worst part was it was a hangout for the newly graduated teens of Forks. One blond boy thought it was funny to make fun of my heterochromia in front of Emmett and I had to all but drag him out of the library before he killed him.

I stood in the clearing with the Cullen's waiting for the army to attack as the pack entered the clearing. The sandy wolf wasn't with them, and that set me on edge, worrying about where he was. I was worried about him, and I didn't even know his name, and I had to much pride to admit that I wanted to know him more than anything. The mystery surrounding the shifter that occupied my thoughts was the only thing, taking my mind off the fact Edward was happy with someone else.

As the newborns tore into the clearing, I started to whisper the Romanian spells under my breath, before running to meet a male newborn, ripping his head from his body. Before I could react, a newborn was on my back trying to get a grip on my throat. The newborn was ripped off my back by the white wolf, the single female in the pack.

She gave me a curt nod before returning to the fight. I followed her lead going for the closest newborn tearing her to pieces. Trying to only concentrate on what I was doing and nothing around me.

The battle in my mind lasted only a few minutes, Edward and Bella came down from the mountain, with a young Quileute boy in tow. Our eyes met and I felt the familiar feeling of safety, that lasted all of thirty seconds as Alice had a vision of the Volturi coming towards us.

"The pack needs to leave. Volturi will not honor our truce with the werewolves." Carlisle announced before our attention was changed to the direction of the female wolf.

A newborn that we had missed attacked the female wolf. Causing Jacob to intervene, the newborn got his arms around the russet wolf. A sickening crunch was heard through the clearing before the newborn was destroyed.

Jacob shifted back in pain, the other pack members shifted back in the woods, running over. "Bella,"

"Jake, I'm right here,"

"Jacob you idiot, I had it!" The female wolf shouted.

"Leah," Sam barked.

"We need to set the bones before his accelerated healing kicks in," Carlisle insisted. "It's already starting."

"We need to get him out of here. We're not going to wanna fight with the Volturi." Edward added.

"We'll take him back to Billy's," Sam said, the pack moving to pick up Jacob.

"I'll be there as soon as I can," Carlisle said, before looking at me. "Vivian is going with them to keep him comfortable, it's better they don't know you're here."

I give him a small nod, turning to the wolves, signaling them to lead the way. Bella called after us. "Hang in there Jake."

We hurried through the woods only stopping when I froze at the treaty line. I looked at all the wolves hoping they wouldn't disapprove of me crossing to help their friend.

"You can cross Vivian," Sam reassured, nodding at me.

"Not that you could be much help," One of the older boys muttered.

"Paul, if Carlisle says she can help then we have to trust that." The youngest boy defended me, earning a glare from Paul.

The rest of the trek to the small red house was made in uncomfortable silence. Only for me to stop outside the house again looking for permission, not wanting to anger any of the wolves. The youngest wolf grabbed my hand pulling me with him, sparks traveling up my arm. I was stopped by an older man in a wheelchair.

"Why is there a Cold one in my house?" He questioned, anger lacing his words.

"She is here to help Jake, Billy, Carlisle sent her with us," Sam answered as they lay Jacob down on his twin bed. "We have to trust that she can help till he can get here."

"Can you all step back a little, magic can be a little unpredictable when used on other supernatural beings," I asked kneeling beside Jacob. "Pace,"

A warm glow came from my hands, working to help with his pain, I heard gasps behind me. Turning my head, I locked eyes with the young shifter who occupied my thoughts sending him a small smile.

Carlisle cleared his throat alerting us to his presence, he took my spot by Jacob, and I took my leave going to stand outside the day's events replaying in my head.

A/N: I used google translate for the Romanian so it most likely won't be perfect.

Translation: pace – peace

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