Chapter 15

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Hiding in the woods with a wolf

I stayed away from everyone, staying behind as they went towards the house. I still felt I was the cause of our pain, and suffering. If I had come forward with what I knew, I would have saved the trouble of having the Volturi after us. I could have gone to the Denali's before any of this happened.

Seth had felt my distress. He was the one person I could never hide anything from. The one person I wouldn't want to hide things from, and I couldn't which made me happy and at the same time it was the worst thing ever because he was always worrying.

He worries then I worry, a constant cycle of worry. At this rate if we ever get married and have kids our children will never leave the house, we will be so worried. Here in the woods, I was starting to find some peace, that is until a wolf pounced on me. I was careful with how roughly I pushed Seth off me.

"Seth do you ever wonder what it would have been like if I had just been honest?" I sat down leaning against a tree. Seth sat in front of me tilting his head. "Are you going to go transform and talk to me or just sit there looking cute?"

Seth ran off, leaving me alone. Being alone, the world was crashing down around me, like the waves against the cliffs of La Push. If I worried, Seth worried; then it was an endless cycle of worry. I hated making Seth worry, because then the whole pack knew something was bothering me.

My head was resting on the tree when Seth walked back to me in his stupid cutoff shorts. He sat next to me, and we enjoyed the silence, only the sounds of nature surrounding us. No vampires, no humans, just me and Seth in our own little bubble. A haven that knowing our friends wouldn't last long but peaceful, nonetheless.

"You made the right choice for you." Seth said putting an arm around me. "The others might not share my sentiments but sometimes you have to do things for you not for everyone else around you."

"I miss when things were simpler, when I didn't have to worry about the Volturi." I sighed leaning more into him. "Will things ever be simple again?"

"They will be, you just have to believe they will. Someday we'll have a little house somewhere in the woods with kids running around." He kissed my forehead. "Everything will be peaceful... until everyone comes over for holidays that is."

I suppressed a giggle, a smile gracing my lips. "And how many kids do you think will be running around this house in the woods?"

"At least six or seven, if you are open to the idea, I want to adopt three or four, and have three biological." His smile was intoxicating, and the way his eyes lit up when he talked about the future. I could feel the pure joy radiating off him. "Unless you don't want that many."

"Six or seven sounds perfect as long as I'm with you." My head whipped to the side when a twig snapped behind me.

"I didn't mean to startle you, I just wanted to check on you two, you haven't seemed like yourself lately dear." Esme said, standing awkwardly to the side. "But it seems I interrupted something, so I'll go."

"No Esme it's ok, everything is just a little overwhelming. Thank you for checking on us though." Seth answered for us. "We were just about to head back to the house anyway. Viv's got some drawings to finish."

"I would love to see them when you're done, it's been so long since I've seen your work."

"I'll bring them down when I'm done."

Esme ran off into the woods towards the house. "Well, I guess we should get going." Seth stood up extending a hand. I glared at him. "What I told her we were heading back."

"I don't want to see my father. Or any other vampires for that matter." I grumbled as Seth pulled me up. "They are all old and cranky, and don't get me started on how you can't say anything without someone hearing. It's a nightmare."

"The less you complain the faster we can get there, finish your drawings and then ask Jacob and Leah to switch patrols with us."

"Why are you right so often?"

"It's a gift babe, it's a gift." he slung an arm on me and we started to walk back to the house. "Switching gears, how do I meet your dad and not have him kill me?"

"Just be respectful and you will be fine, he hurts you. I rip off his arm, we have a system."

"Do I want to know? Or should it be left to the imagination?"
"You don't want to know honey. It's a long story." I laughed, shaking my head. "Let's just say my dad doesn't go near the people I care about anymore."

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