Chapter 11

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The pregnancy of Bella Swan

It was early morning when I got the phone call from Rosie, Seth and I were asleep. His patrol wasn't for another two hours. We should have gone to bed after the first movie, not the third. I almost dropped my phone when I heard the news. Bella was pregnant. They were on their way home, and she had asked for Rosie, and I's help. Edward wanted to kill the child, bringing my hatred for him to an all-time high.

Seth wasn't awake when I left, a note sat waiting for him on the desk. Saying that Rosie wanted me to come home for a while, and that I didn't know when I would be back. But he could come visit anytime he wanted. He just had to clear it with Sue first, I would ask her myself if he did or not.

My run was short, my blood boiling Rosie was waiting for me on the back porch. The sounds of a car drawing near entered my ears as we walked through the house. Car doors slamming and the entrance of Bella and Edward, Rosie and I were at her side in an instant. Throwing glares at Edward as we brought her into the living room.

I helped Bella slowly sit down on the couch, keeping my body in between her and Edward. "How are you feeling?" She was shaking like a leaf, but I couldn't tell why.

She looked between Rosie, and me. "I'm not sure." Edward growled, Bella sinking further into the couch.

Edward started to pace, pulling my attention away from Bella to him. "This is why we should get rid of it."

"They are not an "it", Edward, they are a baby," Rosie spat, glaring in his direction.

I moved from my place at Bella's side, getting in Edward's face shoving him away from us. "Just a little baby."

Edward's face contorted in rage, grabbing my arm and pulling me outside. "What gave you the right to waltz back in here and think we forgot what you did."

"What I did? You, you started this, Edward. I'm the one finishing it, I will be friends with your wife, and I will protect your child. This is my family too and you will not rip that away from me again." I was right in front of him, his back against a tree, and he was scared.

"You won't do anything to me with your little puppy watching," He caught me off guard pushing me away sending me flying into a tree on the other side of the backyard.

Seth came up to me in wolf form nuzzling me with his nose. Making sure I was okay before turning to face Edward. Seth snarled, crouching low to the ground staying between Edward and me.

"Seth, he's not worth it." I put my arms around his neck hugging him close. Alice tossed some clothes at me, which I handed to Seth. He bounded off into the woods to shift. I turned to Edward. "You're lucky you have the treaty protecting you, if it wasn't, I would have let him kill you."

"I'll add it to the list of things I hate about you." He walked away, leaving tension hanging in the air.

I stood there for a moment just thinking, and it started to rain, Seth appeared at my side walking with me through the rain to the house. Following me to the living room where Bella sat, worry etched on her face.

"Is he dead?" her voice was shaky, her heartbeat frantic.

"He's fine, he just went for a walk." I placed a hand on her shoulder, taking a deep breath stealing my nerves. "Pace."

Bella relaxed, the tension leaving her shoulders, giving me a grateful nod before falling asleep. We stood in silence; fear ran through me when I sensed Edward enter the house again. Seth's arm was around me in an instant, pulling me closer to him. The words left my mouth before I could think. "Scutul ne protejează în acest moment al nevoilor."

An all but translucent wave past over Seth and I, but I didn't wait to see what it did. I dragged Seth up the stairs and then to the door to the attic room I called my own.

"If I asked what's wrong with Bella, what would your answer be?" He asked as we stood outside the room.

"Something that should be impossible, it's better if you don't get dragged into it," I opened the door as he gave a small nod of understanding.

Seth stood in the doorway staring at the room in wonder, mostly at the drawings framed on the wall one of his wolf, the other of him with his mom and Leah. "Did you draw these?"

"Yeah, I just needed something to remind me of you while I'm here, and we didn't take any pictures so I did the best I could." I walked to my desk grabbing the sketchbook that sat there tossing it to Seth where he stood now by the bed. "The rest of the pack is in there somewhere if you want to look through it."

I moved to sit next to him on the bed, watching as he slowly flipped through the book, stopping on the page where I had drawn my parents. My mother's sky-blue eyes staring back at me, my father's stern expression making him look lifeless.

"Are they your parents?" He turned to me, placing the sketchbook in my lap.

I gave him a small smile nodding. "My mother was the kindest person I have ever met, and my father loved me in his own way, he just didn't know how to show affection."

"You look so much like her, I wish I could have met her, but I am kind of glad you got your dad's blond hair. I don't think you would have looked as good as a brunette." Seth put an arm around me pulling me, so my head was on his shoulder. "But I feel like your dad would kill me on sight."

"If it wouldn't kill me to have you die, he would, but he knows the pain of losing a mate," I whisper turning the page, pushing away the memories of my mother.

"Who are they?" Seth pointed at the page; a sketch I hadn't finished lay there wanting my attention. It was Thalia and Helen, my first two friends, the first two people I had my father turn. The first two people I lost to the Volturi.

I pointed to Thalia who was on the left side of the page. "This is Thalia, she was my first friend, and this is her sister Helen. They were born around 435 A.D., I had my father turn them, they died protecting me from the Volturi." I turned the page again yet again pushing away memories. "This is Uncle Stefan, he led the Romanians with my father, he still stays with my father in Romania. The woman next to him is Aunt Irini, she died the same day my mother did."

"He looks like Dracula," Seth snorted. "Did you ever tell him that?"

"Once, but it was around the time when I wanted to strike out on my own explore and travel the world." I sighed, closing the sketchbook. "I don't know if he ever read it, I left the coven for a while, I met Carlisle around 1698, honestly it was an accident. He told me about his diet, I wouldn't switch until 1936, but it was always in the back of my mind."

"So, you changed diets when you came to Forks for the first time?" he shifted slightly, moving closer to me.

"I had a feeling when I first came here that this place would be important to me, so I thought the change was needed. In case there was a human mate for me, but look at you, a shifter, something I would have never thought in my wildest dreams would happen."

"And I got you, the most amazing person I've ever met." He put a hand under my chin moving my face closer to his. His lips brushed mine, for a split second, before Emmett burst in.

A/N: Scutul ne protejează în acest moment al nevoilor = The shield protects us in this time of need

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