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For real guysss, also I gotta go to school again but I have an ear infection and one of my teachers, actually no, TWO of my teachers are hella loud and don't let me cover my ears so I'm going to be in some serious pain lmao- also I might get overstimulated- last time I got overstimulated in class I just started silently crying- also I'm going to be thinking about Moobs in class so I might accidentally get HeLlA hOrNy- no but seriously I think that's what school administration thinks people are like when they see a shoulder- speaking of I'm really mad because part of the dress code is that you can't show backs, and we all love to make fun of this, BUT THE THING IS THAT THE PRINCIPAL BREAKS THIS RULE S O O F T E N- And it's making me HELLA MAD- like the only reason it's distracting me is because you needed to add this to dress code, are really uptight about dress code, but then proceed to break it yourself?


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