chapter 27: Back on track

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The next day.

Yesterday was a day they crafted their first snow fox, found a giant frozen leviathan that was infected by the kharaa, and solve the mystery of robins sister. But today is for the group to help vanoss and al-an locate the artifacts of this biome. If vanoss can scan three artifacts than him and al-an can resume of finding the last body component.

The group gather some things to head out before anything else. Once they did vanoss stood out in the middle of the room to tell them about where to look.

Vanoss: alright guys, so today we need to find the artifacts here in this biome

Ryle: right

Vanoss: so this is how will spit up, robin you wildcat, and, basically go to the spire area

Robin: got it

Vanoss: ryle you, delirious, nogla, and terroriser you guys look around the area we are at

Ryle: alrighty than

Vanoss: if guys find them than contact me and I'll be on the way

Delirious: got it

Vanoss: ok so any questions

Wildcat: no not really

Robin: I have one

Vanoss: what

Robin: if you got only two artifacts here than what about the one's in the ocean

Vanoss: once we find the artifacts than we move back into the ocean

Robin: ok

Vanoss: alright you guys get to searching

Terroriser: what are you going to do

Vanoss: .......... wait

Terroriser: great man

And so they exit the base and hop onto their snow fox. Basically manage to go back and get the prawn suit back to their mini base. Robin, wildcat, basically went to the arctic spire to see if they can find the artifact there and ryle, delirious, nogla, and terroriser will circle the area for the artifact. Vanoss waited in the base until one of them found the artifact. At least a baby snow stalker is here to keep him company.

Ryle, delirious, terroriser, and nogla drove around the glacier basin to see if they spot an artifact. They also brought the spy pengling to get some minerals in tight spaces. While they drove around they found a hole that can fit a spy pengling in. They got off as ryle deploys the spy pengling to get whatever is in there.

Nogla: anything

Ryle: diamonds and a couple of rubies

Terroriser: now that's what we are talking about

Ryle: wait hold on what is this?

Delirious: what is what?

Ryle looks at the pda screen of the spy pengling and sees what looks to be an alien egg. The egg is transparent that a baby creature can be seen through it. He collect the egg and brought the spy pengling out of it to show the others. He opens it's storage and gets the egg out for them to see.

Ryle: well this is something

Delirious: is that an alien egg

Ryle: I believe so

Nogla: aww looks cute

Terroriser: why is it out here

Ryle: I have no idea but I'm surprise that it can survive out here

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