"I'll wait for you."

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Otis was nervous.

After coming to the realization that everyone on the bus had seen both he and Maeve pour their hearts out to each other, he had to lean on Maeve to keep him self from passing out of embarrassment, which, surprisingly, gave her a mild blush.

After a painfully slow and embarrassing drive back to Moordale-where he constantly felt a pair of eyes that he could never catch on him-he is now in front of Ruby's house, hyping himself up.

The only good thing that he was able to take away from the bus drive back home was Kyle's unexpected speech on love and how short life is. It really made waves with Otis, somebody who's always wanted love but could never understand it. Someone who was so afraid it. He's so scared of being hurt by love that he pushes those that have the potential to love him away without even realizing it.

He pushed Maeve away, he jumped the gun with Ola, but, most of all,

He shattered Ruby's heart.

No longer will he do this.

He will tell Ruby how he feels now, and if she forgives him then (YES!) fantastic, but if not then...then...

Well, shit, he doesn't want to think about that.

Deep breaths.

'Okay, Otis. You got this!' He took another deep breath before nodding to himself and ringing the doorbell.





"Hm?" Otis silently wonders to himself why nobody is answering before coming to the quick and intelligent realization that it's midnight. You know, a time where tired people are usually sleeping.

Fuckin' great Otis!

He waits 17 more seconds before turning on his heel and beginning his pitiful trek home, all motivation completely drained. He had just stepped foot onto the sidewalk when he heard a-


The sound of a door unlocking got his attention. He looked behind him to see Ruby quietly opening the door, peeking her head out the slightest bit. Once she saw it was Otis, she slowly opens it all the way. She seemed to be in her PJ's now, all makeup off. It didn't really help Otis that this is his favorite look on Ruby.

Her facial expression is a mix between anger, indifference with an odd hint of anticipation and joy? He doesn't even know how that's possible.

What he does know is how beautiful she looks in that white lace negligee. He knows how seeing her face makes him want to kiss her, and rub his hands over her nape in the way he knows she loves. Makes him want to hold her hand.

He hopes he'll be able to that again.

Ok. Ok, now she seems to be getting impatient. 'Well of course she would be Otis, you've been staring at her for a whole minute, now! Get moving!' Following his own thoughts, Otis quickly walks back over to her in his usual, weird way. Ruby never imagined she could actually miss that walk. But she did.

Because it was Otis' walk.

And she loves Otis. Hopefully she won't have to wait long before he loves her, too.

Otis is on her porch now, just a few feet from her, and damn if she doesn't want to just grab him by the color and ravage his face with kisses.

The sexual tension between the two is palpable.

Otis brings his right hand up for a small wave, "H-hey, Ruby." It sounds so weird to not be called Rubes by Otis. She doesn't like that, not one bit.

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