"Don't waste it, Milburn."

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Otis and Ruby were still kissing each other when they both heard a small 'EEP!', something metallic hitting the ground, and the sound of someone groaning. They both slowly untangled from each other's lips to look at the origin of the sounds.

Right at the beginning of the hallway were Ruby's parents: her father is flat on his back nursing a rapidly reddening forehead, and her mother is currently trying to pick up the shoe rack. It was like a scene from a movie: all four of them slowly turning to look at each other in equally frozen states trying to figure out what the hell is happening.

After about 10 seconds of staring, her father lets out a weak wave and an even weaker "Heyyyy..." Her mother waves as well, giving out a small congratulations to the couple, even though she's confused as to who that lanky man is.

Ruby unwraps her legs around Otis' waist to be put back on the ground, trying her best to ignore the longing whine that comes from him. After her feet touch the ground, she looks at her parents, "What the in the world are you guys doing?" She shrieks out embarrassingly. Honestly, the last thing she wanted was to be caught swapping spit with her boyfriend by her parents.

Her parents look at each other before her mother answers, "Well, we both woke up to what we thought was someone breaking into the house, but it was really just you and that lanky man at the door. Also, do you mind telling me what that sound was. Also, can you tell me who this is. Also, can-" She goes to continue, but is cut off by her husband, "Dear, give Rubes a chance to answer. You can't spit out question after question like that." Floor man chastises his wife lightly.

Ruby's mother looks especially sheepish at that. "Yeah, sorry, it's a verbal habit I've been trying to break, heh." She gives out a chuckle at the end.

Once Ruby is finally given an opening to answer, she does, "Well, mom, dad has already met him, this is Otis Milburn." She says in an uncharacteristically nervous tone of voice, holding her arms out to him like he's some new invention.

The reason why Ruby was so nervous? Her dad already met Otis, and already likes him; he even encouraged her to hear him out after they broke up. Her mom, however, has never even seen Otis, which also means she's only heard only heard about the break up and humiliating it was. She is also considerably difficult to please if the brave soul who tries is an outsider.

Yeah, Otis is about to have a tough time.

And if Ruby knows her mom-she hopes she does-she knows this won't go down well. It'll be some nice payback though; she's petty like that.

Otis starts shivering a little when a resting bitch face and a glare worse than Ruby's immediately takes over her previously sheepish persona, "Oh." That was the most disgusted 'oh' Otis has ever heard, "So this is the infamous Otis, hm?" The way she said it is as if Otis killed her whole family, and then kicked the dog for shits and giggles.

Otis starts shivering and tenses up when she walks towards him ever so slowly, each step feeling like it shakes the whole house. Otis looks towards Ruby for help but even she looks a little scared, but not for herself. "Ruby!?" Otis whisper yells, "Help! Please!" Otis goes into a pleading whisper at the end.

Ruby looks at him with the most sympathetic gaze possible, and with so much love, he thinks he's on his death bed.

Ruby brings her hands to his shoulder and pats it twice, "You're about to die, OT." Then she smirks and takes a step inside the house to help her father.

Otis will soooo get her back for that. (But he supposes he did kind of deserve it.)

Otis' betrayed self looks towards the door to see Ruby's mother in a pose that her daughter often does: hips cocked to the left, back straight, and one hand on her waist. Her daughter crosses her arms, actually.

She levels him with another glare, "I don't approve of this at all. You broke my daughter's heart, and then show up thinking you'll magically make it better with some sappy apology? You think this some dumbass rom-com, kid? This is real life, and in real life, the mother won't except some twig who broke the daughter's heart, just to break it again." She stares straight into his eyes before making a disgusted face, "Get the fuck off my porch."

Otis stares at the ground for a few seconds, thinking. He can hear Ruby, and even her father, protesting in the background, but to no avail. It seems Ruby's mother really didn't trust him with her daughter. The sad part was he couldn't really blame her.

But that doesn't mean he'll let it happen.

Otis didn't come this far to lose Ruby. He didn't come this far just to give up and spend the rest of his life wondering 'what could've been'. He won't let that happen. He won't leave. He came here to get his girlfriend back, and that's what he'll do, damn it!

Otis looks up at the devil of a mother before speaking in a tone that left no room for argument. Looks like Otis Milburn's balls finally dropped.

"I'm sorry, ma'am, but I can't do that."

She raises one of her plucked eyebrows, "...Do you mind telling me why that is?" She asks lazily.

"Because I refuse to give up on Ruby like that. I may have broken her heart, yes, but I guarantee I won't do it again. I may not love her now, but I know I will. However shallow that may sound." His voice quiets a bit, "I ask of you the same thing I asked of Ruby: please, just give me some time. I'm still recovering from heartbreak myself, after all."

Ruby's mother looks him up and down, "Ruby's a rebound?" She levels him with a look that tells him she thinks of him as less than the dirt under her shoes, "You pathetic insect."

'Ma heart!' A chibi Otis clutches his heart and sheds a single tear.

"Wait, no! Of course not." Otis seems a little offended she even asked that. "Ruby was never a rebound. I was just an idiot who couldn't sort out my feelings, but I've done that now, and I know I want be with you daughter. Please..." He holds out a hand for a handshake, "Give me a chance to prove myself."

She looks him up and down for what feels like eternity before giving a curt nod, "My name is Flora. I still don't accept this...but I'll give you a chance just like Ruby has. Don't fucking waste it." After having said her piece, she goes to turn around before saying, "I won't shake your hand until I accept and approve you." She looks at him over her shoulder, "Don't disappoint, Milburn."




'That was so fucking cool.'

Before immediately coming back out to fetch her husband who was on the couch. "Sorry!" She says sheepishly, completely changing from her intimidating form.


Now that they left for good, that leaves Otis and Ruby alone with no one to interrupt them.

"Sooo..." Otis trails off, fidgeting with his favorite jacket.

Ruby is staring at him with a quiet blank face.  She eventually starts walking towards him after Otis seems uncomfortable enough. Once she reaches him, she immediately pulls him down for a short yet intense kiss. They pull away, both slightly out of breath despite how short it was. They stare into each other's eyes for a short while after before Ruby makes her hormones known, "I'd ride you to kingdom come if I wasn't so tired. Or petty about the breakup."

Otis' reply was hesitant. "Me too, but since we can't, how about cuddles?" Otis asks cautiously with obvious Hope.

Ruby couldn't say no to that.

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