Chapter 8: A Chance?!

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It's been three weeks since Ganondorf had taken Dark away. Three weeks you have been locked up in your room to do nothing but worry about Dark. Ganondorf said that he was being taken to the dungeon to receive punishment, and all you could think about was what they were doing to him down there. Were the torturing him, or even worse, doing stuff that is slowly killing and he could die any moment!? Thinking about that kind of stuff always made you panic.

You were currently lying in bed reading a book that the guards were nice enough to give you. As you were reading, the door suddenly swung open revealing a very tall Gerudo woman. You knew exactly who she was... the head guard of the Gerudo soldiers. She had come to check on you from time to time, but she always refused to tell you her name. She says that she doesn't just give out her name to just anyone.

"(Y/n)?" The head guard asked.

"Yes?" You asked looking back at your book.

"Right now the festival of our gods starts and all the guards have the week off" she said, "so no one will be here to guard you."

"Annnddd? " you said rather bordly.

"And, I don't want you trying anything while we're gone" she said rather sternly, "if you do, I will personally punish you myself!"

"I wouldn't even dream of it" you said still rather bordly.

"Good" the head guard said happily, "ladies let's get going."

The guards closed the door and locked it. You waited a few moments until you couldn't hear their footsteps anymore, then you sprung from the bed and over to your desk. You quickly opened a drawer and pulled out a few bobby pins. You hurried over the the door and began to pick the lock.After a while of picking the lock, you finally got the door to open. You quietly opened the door and quietly shut it, before you quickly, but quietly, took off running.

~time skip~

You have been running around the palace for at least an hour and you couldn't find the dungeon. You walked into the throne room, and walked into the center of the room. You turned around in circles, scanning the room. As you were scanning, you finally noticed that one of the torches was different from the rest. You ran over to the torch and pulled it, on the other side of the room a hidden door opened!

"Maybe that's the dungeon!" You thought to yourself.

You ran through the door, and down a long stairway. You reached the bottom of the stairs and your eyes immediately widened. You were standing in front of a long hallway and on each side of the hallway was a bunch of cells. You walked down the hallway calling Dark's name and looking into each cell. You gagged at the sight of most of them because all the walls were splattered with blood.

"I hope Dark isn't bleeding!" You said out loud before hearing the rattle of a chain.

You jerked your head towards the sound and took off running. You ran until you came to a cell with a person in it. The person was none other than Dark.

"Dark, you're okay!" You cheered with happiness.

Even though you were super happy, Dark didn't respond to you in any way. His arms were chained to the wall, and all he did was keep his head down.

"Don't worry Dark, I'm going to get you out of here!" You said pulling out another bobby pin.

You began to pick the lock, and as you did you began to get worried. Dark hadn't responded to you at all, not even when you finally unlocked the cell door. You ran to him and kneeled down in front of him, but he didn't do anything.

"Dark, are you okay?" You asked with worry in your voice.

You held your hand out and were about to hold his cheek, but instead he jerked his head away from you.

Another Worldly Love (Dark Link x Reader)Where stories live. Discover now