Chapt 17: Dark Link vs. Ganondorf

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Pretend you're Zelda in the picture
(Normal POV)
Dark stood up and picked you up bridal. He didn't want you to walk since you had been through a lot of stuff. You rested your head on his chest and Dark walked out of the cell.

Dark walked through the maze like hallway and soon found the spiraling staircase that led up to the main dungeon. He looked at the stairs, the suddenly held you tighter in arms and closer to his chest. You noticed this and looked up into his red eyes, which were filled with worry.

"Dark...are you okay?" You asked.

"I'm just worried" he admitted, "what if Ganondorf's back in the throne room?...and if he's back..."

"Everything will be alright Dark" you said reassuringly, " I know you will be able to get us out of here."

After you said that, you gently kissed Dark's cheek, and that was all the motivation he needed. Dark became less tense and made his way up the stairs. When he reached the top, he opened the passage to the throne room.

Dark poked his head out of the doorway, and to his luck, Ganondorf didn't seem to be there. He stepped out of the passage tiptoed over to exit, but suddenly stopped when he heard a deep voice behind him.

"Now where do think you're going?"

Dark spun around to see Ganondorf standing beside his throne with arms crossed.

"I think I would like my prisoner back" Ganondorf said making his way towards you and Dark.

Dark set you on your feet and pulled you behind him, then drew his sword.

"You won't be getting her back" Dark growled.

"We'll see about that" Ganondorf said with a smirk.

Ganondorf snapped his fingers and Phantom Ganon appeared! Dark did not expect this and was about to get hit, but Link came out of now where and bounced the yellow ball of energy back to Phantom Ganon causing him to fall back!

"Link?!" Dark said shocked.

"I'll take care of Phantom Ganon" he said sternly, "you take care of Ganondorf. "

"Oh thanks" Dark said sarcastically, "leave me to fight Ganondorf."

"Stop complaining, this is your fight, not mine" Link growled before running off to fight Phantom Ganon.

Dark quickly turned around and grabbed your shoulders.

"I want you to leave" Dark whispered, "I can't risk you getting hurt again."

You eyes widened at this.

"I'm not leaving you Dark!" You yelled.

"Please (y/n)" he said with pain in his voice. He didn't want you to leave, but he knew he had to do it for the sake of your safety.

"Dark I'm not going to leave you behi- DARK LOOK OUT!" you randomly yelled out.

Dark spun around with you in his arms while taking off his shield. Dark was able to block a energy ball that Ganondorf had thrown at you. (Picture!)

"Are you just going to stand there talking or are you going to fight!" Ganondorf bellowed.

Dark told you to go hide somewhere, he knew better to argue with you about making you leave, he'd probably lose. You ran behind a near by pillar and Dark drew his sword and shield then charged Ganondorf.

You watched from behind the pillar as Ganondorf and Dark began to fight. It was a lot like Link and Dark's fight, not getting anywhere. Ganondorf kept throwing blows at Dark and Dark would dodge them. Ganondorf yelled out in a rage and made the biggest energy ball he could create then threw it at Dark, but he easily dodged, leaving Ganondorf tired. Dark took this opportunity and drove his sword deep in his chest. Ganondorf fell to one knee and looked up at Dark with hate and anger.

"This is the last you'll see of me Dark Link" he gasped out, "I'll make your life a living hell!!!!"

And with that he some teleported out and you guess had no idea where he went.

"DANG IT!" Dark yelled out, "he got away!"

But Dark couldn't stay angry for long, because you had run up to and gave him a huge hug from behind.

"You did Dark!" You yelled with pure happiness in your voice, "you saved me and got rid of Ganondorf in the process, I knew you could do it! Thank you so much!"
Dark smiled warmly and turned around to return the hug. He rubbed his cheek on the top of your head, causing you to let out a slight giggle. You looked up from his chest and he kissed your nose.

Link finished of Phantom Ganon in the middle of your celebration then walked over to you and Dark. Let's just say that Dark was feeling very proud of himself, Link was fighting Phantom Ganon and he was fighting Ganondorf, and he was able to finish first.

"Nice going Dark" Link said

"Woah! Was that a complement!" Dark gasped sarcastically.

"Don't push it Dark" Link growled.

"geez Link, it was a joke" Dark laughed, "but thanks, I guess you did good too."

Link smiled, thinking that would be the closest complement he could ever get out of Dark. Link then over to you.

"So your (y/n)" Link said sweetly.

You nodded your head and Link bowed. Which caused you to gasp because it surprised you.

"I wanted to apologize" Link said sadly, not getting up from his bow.

You tilted your head in confusement. "I don't understand" you said, "why are you apologizing?"

"In the Water Temple, I didn't help you when you needed me the most" Link explained with sadness in his voice, "I'm the hero who is supposed to help anyone who deserves it and needs it, you needed it, but I completely misjudged you because you were friends with Dark, I'm so sorry!"

Link stood up straight, but kept his head down. You smiled warmly at him and spoke.

"I forgive you Link" you said sweetly.

Link looked up with wide eyes. "You do!?"

"Of course!" You chirped, "you should always forgive someone for there mistakes!"

Link looked at you dumbfounded, then gave Dark a serious look.

"You got yourself a really nice one Dark" he said, "don't let her go."

You blushed and Dark put his arm around your shoulder, causing you to blush even more.

"Don't worry Link" Dark said with a smirk, "I wasn't planning on ever letting her go."

That's when it happened, a huge light came out of no where! It was so bright, you, Link, and Dark had to cover your eyes or you might have been blinded. The light began to fade, and you slowly uncovered your eyes. Your vision was a little blurry, all you could see were two figures standing in front of you from across the room. You vision soon came back and you could now see the two figures.... was Alex and Sarina...your two best friends....

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