Episode 15: Everything's Ok, It's Just Random People|Season 1 Finale

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(Author: Hey guys, just a heads up. I'm a lazy person and I AM NOT about to write a chapter about resurrecting 4 PEOPLE. So yeah, Enjoy this chapter.)

Nik's POV

It's been a day since I've resurrected my siblings. Hope and Charles came back as Tribrids, so that's bad. There's only two think I hear in my head.

'Dumb, stupid'

Malivore/Landon is now back. We can now defeat it but, Dr. Saltzman feels like Hope has to do it. I mean we all no the reason why. Malivore's in possession of Landon's body and Landon is Hope's boyfriend. 

Plus, Grace and Hope are the only ones who's blood can defeat him. Charles and I are phoenixes too, so our blood will only weaken him. 

There is something wrong with this world. But, I can deal with this. It's really not an option anyway. So, everything's ok, for now. I walk into my room and go to my desk. Pulling out a piece of paper, my phone dings. 

I look at my phone for 2 seconds, then pick it up. I had gotten a text message from KaNyla. "What now," I say softly to my self.


K: Nik, there's someone at the school doors.

N: Then tell Dr. Saltzman

K: But it looks like some kind of monster

K: OOp


N: You type too slow

K: 4 more people just walked up beside her

K: They look suspicious

N: Ofc, they're standing, doing nothing, in front of a school

K: Should talk to them?

N: I'm on my way down

K: Got it


I walk down the hallway and meet up with KaNyla. "These people are just standing there confused or sum," KaNyla says. 

I roll my eyes and open the school doors. 1 girl had white hair, 1 boy had green hair and looked a bit pale. The last three, dressed alike and had a white/blonde streak of hair. 

"Umm Hi, my name is Nik, can I help you," I ask them politely. "Umm yess. My name is Addison, the is Zed, Wyatt, Willa, and Wynter," Addison says, pointing to each of them in order. "Can we come in please," she asks me. 

"You're looking for Hope aren't you, you Malivore monster," KaNyla says to them. "I'm sorry, Malivore what," Addison says with a confused look. 

"I'm sorry, this is my friend Kanyla, she rude to some people-" I get cut off my Zed. "This is a supernatural school isn't it?" "Uh, yeah, why do you ask," I ay to him, confused of why he'd ask that question. 

"Because we are supernatural," he says which explained his green hair.


"Ok so let me get this straight, you're zombies and wolves, plus 1 human, and from a whole different world." "Exactly," Wynter says with a big smile for some reason. 

"Yeah and we need help getting back to our world fast and you're helping us," Willa says with a threatening look. "I really suggest you lower your tone when talking to him," KaNyla says. 

"Thanks KaNyla but I think I can speak for myself," I say looking at her. I turn back to Willa with the same look. 

"I think I talk how I want to with him," she says while starring at me. Her eyes flash yellow. Wynter and Wyatt's eyes do the same. "Is that supposed to scare me," I ask her. she walks up to my and stares into my eyes. "Yes, it is," she says close up. 

"Well I should tell you, it's not," I say standing to face her. Her eye turn yellow again and she shows her fangs. I make my eyes turn yellow and veins crawl from my bottom eyelids. 

"And those little veins don't scare me," she says to me. "I never said they had too," reply to her comment. She grabs my neck. I don't change my facial exppression at all nor move. It doesn't hurt. 

I grab her wrist, and start twisting it to the right. She pulls back before I break her wrist. I Then grab her neck and throw her at a wall. The other 2 "wolves" come at me. 

I grab both of their neck and push them to the ground. "I told you to watch your tone when speaking to him," KaNyla say to them, folding her arms. 

"What are you," Wyatt ask lying on ground. "Four thing, remember it. Vampire. Wolf. Witch. And Phoenix." I sit back down and turn the last two. 

"There are more supernatural beings," Zed says surprised. "Yep, and I'm all of them plus a rare one. My siblings are all of them too. Tribrids. 

I call myself and my brother Q." "Hmm," Addison says. "Well, if you're witches, I wanna see some magic," she says. KaNyla looks at me and we both smile.

________________________________________________________________________________"What spell do you wanna see," I ask Addison. "I don't know, levitation spell." "Exsurgo," I chant. Zed starts lifting into the air slow. I wave my hand and he falls down. I didn't lift him high. "Next spell," Addison says. After she says that, my neck snaps.

Addison's POV

"GUYS," I yell at Wyatt and Willa. Wyatt had snapped Nik's neck and Willa headbutted KaNyla. "Relax, he said he's a vampire, which means it didn't kill him," Willa says. "I don't know if she was a vampire so I didn't snap her neck." "Willa, you've already saw what he can do, imagine what he could do when he wakes," I say to her. "Who said that he'd wake," she says walking towards a tree. She breaks off a branch and goes back up to him. She push the branch into his heart and his skin turns grey and veins appear all over his body. "See, dead Quadbrid." "And KaNyla," I say looking at her body. "She wont remember anything," she says to me. "Addison look," Zed says point to Nik's body. His skin turned back to it's color and the veins disappeared. I go back some. His eyes open. The next second, he's gone. We all look around. I turn back to Willa and she's pinned to the wall by Nik. "If you ever touch me again, I will tear your head off your shoulders," he says to her. "Get you hand off her," Wyatt yells at him. Nik continues pinning her to the wall. "I said let her go," Wyatt says pulling the back of his shirt and pulls him back.

Nik's POV

He did not just pull me. I speed behind him and bite into his neck. I stop drinking from his before he was drained of blood. I then drop his body to the side. "I told you not to touch me," I say to them. "You did, now look what happened," I say to them. "Is he dead," Addison ask me. "No, I almost drained him, but if you don't get take care the that bite, he'll bleed to death." I walk over to KaNyla's body and pick her up. I walk back into the school and lock the doors.


Hey guys, Hope you liked this chapter. Addison and the others will be in the next chapter don't worry. Besides, how will they get back to their world. Comment what think about this chapter. Also comment what you think will happen.

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