S2 Episode 6: Fights Are Meant To Happen (PT.1

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Nik's POV

I stand up to see three people. Stefan, Damon, and some brown hair girl. "Nice throw, now it's my turn."

I speed towards them. Stefan and Damon grabs onto my arms holding me back. I grab onto Stefan's neck and throw him back. I push Damon towards the girl. "Are you ok Elena," he asks her.

"Elena Gilbert huh," I say to them. "The doppelganger, I've heard a lot about you." Stefan throws a small branch towards my heart but I catch it. I drop it. "Really, I told you, I'm more powerful than my father, you cant kill me, especially when my humanity's off."

Damon and Stefan pull out a stake. I laugh. "You didn't think this through, did you?" The brother don't respond.


The stake burn inside their hands. I feel a stake go though my heart. "Actually, they did." I tur around to see Kaleb, then everything goes dark.


I wake  up in some cellar, the same I was in with KaNyla and Hope. They injected vervain in me, I feel weak. My vision focuses and I see Damon. "Let me out of here," I say. I hold my hand up trying to choke him, then I see shackles on my hand. "Oh god."

"Yeah, try getting out of those." He opens the cellar and pulls me out and grabs a chair. He goes up tot he living room, sits me in the chair and wraps chains around them. "Hey man, how you feeling," Stefan says walking into the room. "Shut up."

"Turn it on, or we'll kill you," Damon says. "Never," I struggle to say. Sweat drips from my forehead. He sticks his hand into my chest. I yell out. "I will pull your little heart out."

"Go ahead, rip out my heart, then you'll have to deal with Rebekah, Kol and Marcel." He pulls out his hand. I grab onto the shackles and start siphoning. "Little you should know about me, make sure you get shackles I can't siphon from. Fractos." The shackles and the chains break. "Phasmatos Extandas Lomiano." Damon grabs onto my arms, then feels a burn. "Agh."

"My skins acts like vervain from the spell I just cast." Damon's hands heal then I get up. "No problem, we kill monsters like you."

"There is no monster like me."

I grab onto Elena and bite into her neck as she feels the vervain on my skin. "Elena!"

My skins turns back into it's normal color. "Round 2?" My eyes turn yellow and veins show. Stefan gives Elena something. He whispers in her ear. "It's a dark object, throw it at him," he whispers.

She does as told but I catch and siphon it dry. "Ossox." Stefan and Elena's neck snap, Leaving me and Damon. He pick up vervain grenades then throws them at me. "Vitore." The grenades don't explode. I bite into my wrist and blood travels down my arm. "Vitris." 

The blood forms into a blade. I walk towards him and he slowly moves back. His eyes turn red and he rushes at me. I stab his heart with the blade and he slowly desicates.

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