Chapter 7

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(Past timeline)

It was the day after the unfortunate event but like any other day, Taehyung woke up and headed to his mother's flower shop to work. It was quite surprising to Jimin when Taehyung came to him and hugged with the biggest smile. He thought he had to come to Taehyung and comfort but nothing like that happened.

"Come on Tannie, don't run like that!" Taehyung yells at his pup who out of all day today decided to be a rebel and mess around the shop.

But the little pup didn't listen to his owner and ran out the open door, scaring Taehyung. "No! Come on!" He ran after the pup worried he would get hurt but thankfully he grabbed the pup before he ran across the street.

"Naughty Tan! I am already having a hard time please don't make it worst" he pleaded the pup with an exhausted voice.

The pup seems to understand Taehyung distressed and licks his face making Taehyung giggle. "Apology accepted," he said playful.

Just as Taehyung was about to bring Tan inside, his eyes caught Jungkook walking his way with a larger dog on a leash. His heartbeat quickened at the sight of the older man and the memory of yesterday flashing in his eyes.

A lump forming on his throat when they meet each other's eyes. Junggkook comes to a stop next to Taehyung who can't look away now. Jungkook looks at Taehyung's soft appearance and insteadly his guilt shows up on his face but he doesn't let that bother him.

For a long time, they both could only look at each other, no word said, no movement just their eyes lined perfectly with each other

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For a long time, they both could only look at each other, no word said, no movement just their eyes lined perfectly with each other. Taehyung watches the way Jungkook stares at him and it makes him feel weird....because Jungkook never even turns the direction Taehyung stands but then again Taehyung can also see the guilt in them......and maybe even pity.

"Taehyung you need to get ready, the dectorantion are all sent to the hall and Jeon's son is here to pick you up-" Taehyung mother walks out only to see her son having a staring contest with another boy.

"Look at my son making a fool of himself out on the street" she sighs, making a disappointed face and walking towards the two who are still unaware of the older lady.

She looks between her son and the boy and frowns. She also notices the small pup struggling to free himself from Taehyung arms. "My poor baby" she shows a worried face, grabbing the pup out of Taehyung's hands.

"My Tannie" she caresses the pup in her arms making sure he is alright. "Yah! You shameless cow stop lusting over the bunny!" she shouts wrecking her son over the head which differently got the attention of both.

"Ow! That hurt!" he whines glaring at his mother who already has her eyes fixed on her son. "If you weren't so lusting over this muscular man here then you hear my calling" she said pointing at the man who looks away.

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