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This story has come to a part where many of you might have questions. I went through the comments and try to answer everyone's questions but more and more were coming so I decided I just answered them all together. 😀

1. How can a man have 3 different children from 3 different people? I don't think this question is very hard to answer, most of us might be familiar with things like this. Especially if you are from a cutler where things are normal. As shameful and disgusting as it sounds it is true.

With the amount of time I have said that I have seen it happen in my family, you might think my family or the people around me are disgusting but it is just how it is. I have seen many people who are married to more than one person or have kids from different people. Some do it out of force, some because they can't keep their hands to themselves, and some, are just helpless but it happens.

Example: Force= Taehyung (a little clue) Helpess= Ji-Eun and for the third one, we just have to wait and see.

2: did Jungkook love Ji-Eun or not? This is a little complicated to understand. Because everyone had a different meaning to love. Jungkook Ji-Eun is very close, she is more than a friend but less than a lover. He cares deeply for her, he is very we're of her feelings for him, and he knows she loves him. He doesn't hate her for that, he also doesn't play with her too. From the beginning, he has been open with her, and they both understand each other. (That was the past) I can't tell what changes in the future because then it gives always the storylines.

You might ask why are Jungkook and Ji-Eun's relationship so complicated. It is because some people are like that. In the eyes of normal people they might name it to love, they act like it too but it is not. Ji-Eun loves him, he loves her but not like that. And you know the effect that someone had if you stay with them for a long time? Things are meant to change right?

Example: I am like that. I might get hate for this but it is true. For me to love someone is very complicated. There is this person that I deeply care about, maybe even act like a lover to that person. I know they love me but I can't love them. I don't have those kinds of feelings. I have been honest to them about my feelings though, I have told them they can love me but there is nothing I can give them in return. Even if I do have those feelings for them I just can't bring myself to be with them.

And yes a big part of that has to do with another person that I can't seem to let go from the past. This brings me to the next question

3. Why didn't Taehyung just let go of Jungkook? Yes, I do agree it is very Pathetic to be holding onto those who hurt you, those who leave you hard but sometimes you can't help it. Because Jungkook was a big part of Taehyung life. Jungkook was everything to him which is why he can't let go. It h healthy but it is true as much as we like to say it wrong some just can't let go.

Example: you. Maybe you also have a person of your own that you know is a trouble to you, you know it better if they are gone but you just can't help it to wish they weren't, or hope for a different outcome, right? I do too, there is a shithead that even after 6 years some part of me still wishes they hadn't gone. It is not easy to forget those who made you feel so much you know. So I won't blame Taehyung for his feelings too.

4. Why did Jungkook feel bad when Ji-eun left him?  Honestly, it's just guilt. Because even if Jungkook didn't have feelings for her, she did and he knew that. Just imagine a scenario where you caught the person you love in bed with another person. How could that make you feel? Pretty shitty right? And Jungkook understood that, he realized how she might felt and it was in guilt adding the fact that he had hurt Tae too and the emotion it was just a roller coaster for him.

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