Part 5-Healing-

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Doctor's POV

I dived and caught her in my arms before her head hit the ground. I stared at her face she(you) was bleeding on her forehead and had a cut on her lip and I looked at her hands she had a bruise on her thumb and a claw scratch on her left hand her breathing was steady but failing. I tried to wake her up but it was no use "please Y/N you have to wake up!" I cried and held her close to my chest holding her as if she was the only thing keeping me alive. Her face was still beautiful and I sonic'd the cut on her lip and and forehead I left the scratch on her left hand for a DNA trace. I check her heartbeat again it is failing fast I start to sonic her heart and check it again still failing "c'mon c'mon" I mutter to myself. "Doctor?" I turn and see Jack looking worried at Y/N. "Doctor how is she?" He asks "Her heart is failing" I say I can feel my eyes become watery and wipe them on my suit sleeve. I check her heartbeat again "No No No No No!" I say and hug her limp body. "Doctor is she..." Jack trailed off I nod my head. "I'll get Martha" Jack said and quickly sprinted off in a direction. Im still crying when I spot Jack's laser gun. I thought if I shoot myself I could use the regeneration power to heal Y/N. I grab it quickly laying Y/N down gently on the floor. I grab the gun point it at my body and count 3...2....1. "NO Doctor don't!" Martha yelled running over me and pulling it out of my hands. "Martha give me the gun" "No Doctor you can't do that just for one girl" she said "She isn't just some girl I feel something towards her and I don't know what but its something" I say eyes filled with tears. "Martha hand him the gun" Jack said seriously "No I won't let him do that jack I know you you wouldn't do it either" "Hand him the gun now!" Jack yelled at Martha who got startled from his change of tone. She hands me the gun I point it at my stomach 3...2....1 I pull the trigger.

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