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THE blonde entered the dojo in the strip mall in Reseda.

Kreese walked out of the office and raised his head at the girl.

"And I thought I'd never see you in this dojo again." Kreese said.

"Well here I am, Sensei Kreese, here I am." Lucia said.

"What can I do for you?" He raised his eyebrows.

"What do you think? If I'm here, obviously it's for karate." Lucia folded her arms.

"I like you, Parker. You're feisty. Real Cobra Kai material. Follow me." Kreese nodded.

She followed him into the back and they stopped in front of the punching back.

"Show me what you got, Parker."

Lucia sighed and began kicking the the punching bag. At first, she wasn't putting in her full strength, until anger rose in her stomach.

She was mad at her father about the wedding and not seeing his children. She was mad at her mother for switching jobs recently, and not before because it took a toll on her kids to be moving a lot. She was mad at her brother for being with someone who despised his sister, they were supposed to look out for each other. She was mad at Moon for leaving her because of a silly mistake that wasn't even her fault. She was mad at Tory for kissing her that one night, then playing with her heart, then starting the school fight and making Lucia scared to even enter that school. Most of all, she was angry at the world for being so cruel. How did all this anger even start? Well, with Johnny Lawrence, so she was mad at him for creating the monster she was about to become.

All of this anger was festering in her for so long. She let out a holler and kicked the bag as hard as she could, doing spin kicks and whatever other kind of kicks she could think of, then switched to punching it as hard as she could.

She continued letting out angry yelled, until eventually she got tired and was panting.

In the doorway stood a few of her classmates and Kreese began slowly clapping.

"Class, this is what a real Cobra Kai looks like. Now fall in!" He exclaimed.

Hawk rolled his eyes and everyone left the room, including Kreese, but the boy.

"I've never seen you like that before." Hawk said.

"Well, I'm pissed off and I have every right to be." Lucia replied.

"Well, I guess you're pretty badass. Even if I'm not the biggest fan of you."

"You used to be. Remember this?"

Lucia rolled up her sleeves and showed him the butterflies that were still on her arm along with the other tattoo for Moon.

"That was a one time thing when I had the tiniest crush on you."

"A crush is a crush." Lucia smirked.

"Fine, I guess you're right." Hawk rolled his eyes again.

"And we liked the same girl."

"True, but if I'm gonna be honest, all she talked about was you." Hawk shared.

"Oh she did, huh?" Lucia smirked.

"Yeah, yeah, whatever."

Lucia giggled. "Truce?"


They shook hands, then found their spots on the mat.

"Weakness is unacceptable. The fight at the school was an embarrassment. You lost soldiers and you lost the battle, but you will not lose again. Diaz was one of our own. What they did to him, they did to all of us and it will not go unanswered. We will show no mercy, we will show know weakness, we will strike back and we will strike hard! Is that clear?"

"Yes, Sensei."

"I can't hear you."

"Yes, Sensei!"

And just like that, Lucia was under Kreese's spell.


It was the end of class and Lucia was standing with Hawk and Bert.

Kreese walked out of his office and everyone gathered around.

"Class. You worked hard today, so before you're dismissed, I have a little treat for ya."

He then showed them a small rat.

"Cool. What's his name?" Bert asked.

"I don't know. What should it be?"

"Hawk Junior." Hawk suggested.

"Idiot." Lucia laughed.

Everyone chuckled at Hawk's answer.

"Bert what do you think?" Kreese asked.

"Um...Clarence?" Bert suggested.

"Clarence. Good. Here, take him."

"He's so cute, guys."

The class all chuckled.

"You know, it's almost lunch time." Kreese pointed out.

"Ooh, can I feed him?" Bert asked.

"No." He then walked over to something covered by a black sheet and pulled it off. "But you can feed him."

Kreese revealed a cobra and Lucia's jaw dropped.

"Holy shit." She said in awe.

Everyone began whispering to each other, but Lucia just looked over at Hawk.

"What does he like to eat?" Bert asked.

"He likes to eat...Clarence." Kreese answered.

Hawk looked over at Bert who looked upset.

Lucia raised her eyebrows and looked away. She knew this was some sort of a test.

"Come on. Come on." Kreese motioned. "There you go."

Bert hesitated. "I can't."

Lucia looked down. Kreese was up to something.

The old man smirked, then plucked Clarence from his hands.

"It's okay, I understand. Clarence is your friend. It's okay to object. Who else objects?" Kreese asked.

A few students slowly raised their hands, Hawk and Lucia looking around, then back at Kreese.

"You're off the team. Get out!"


"I said out."

Bert and a bunch of students began leaving and Lucia just stared at Hawk, his expression not changing.

Kreese dropped Clarence into the tank, the cobra eating in, then went back into his office.

Hawk and Lucia followed the man inside, him smoking a cigar when they got in there.

"Are you two sad to see your little friends go?"

"Uh...No, Sensei."

"Go on, you can speak freely, son." Kreese said.

"Is this the right time to make cuts? We're already down students after the school fight." Hawk reminded.

"This is addition by subtraction. A true cobra feels no sympathy for his meals. Do you have a problem with that?"

"No, Sensei."

"Good. And you, Miss Parker?"

"No, Sensei. I knew you were up to something."

"You're smart, you can sense things. That's good. As for you, Hawk, maybe you need to start listening to her. With Diaz out, we need a new champion. Someone with no fear, and no mercy."

The two looked at each other, then nodded to Kreese.

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