Why Moondust has a phobia of coyotes

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(This was in his past life, he had been a girl back then. Italic words are puns or just are read differently. Bold words are notes. Cayo Costa is a real island. Coyotes don't do any of the stuff here other than eating turtle eggs, not even the calling of their family. Underlined stuff is thoughts.)

Moondust was at Cayo Costa. She always had loved the stars and was allowed to go to the beach on her own to see them, so one night she went out to see them. She was wearing just a hoodie, a skort (It is a real thing.), cat ears, and her backpack that had simp-chains on it  (keychains that have characters they simp for on them, like Nightmare or Error), and a hotspot on the backpack. She was planning on staying out, taking pics, and reading Wattpad fanfictions.

So, anyways. Moondust was out on the beach at night when a coyote came out of the the sea grapes (Once again, real thing. It's a type of bushy stuff.) and startled her. It sniffed the signs that marked turtle nests to tell if they were recent and dug up the turtle eggs to eat. It called its family once it dug up all the eggs it could ever want, all while Moondust was watching. They feasted on the eggs together all while Moondust filmed them on her tablet and her phone.

'This is so cool. Good thing it's a bright Crescent moon. I'm so lucky they didn't see me.' she thought, not knowing that just thinking that was jinxing her. Soon, the coyotes finished and perked up their ears. They heard Jimmy Buffett singing "Volcano" ironically while there was a huge volcano explosion on Hawaii. They looked to Moondust and darted towards her. Moondust ran faster than she had ever run before while they chased her across a mile of the beach when she got so tired, she almost couldn't run much more!

'OH SH*T! OH SH*T! OH SH*T! WHY DID I FORGET TO TURN OFF MY MUSIC! NOW THEY ARE GOING TO KILL ME!' she thought! Then Popoki, one of the family cats, dashed across the beach and chased the coyotes away after a very long fight. But they didn't give up that easy! They darted around and headed towards Moondust hoping to snatch her in their jaws! They bolted to Moondust but, just in time, Popoki got them as they were an inch from her face! At this time, the battle and attacks had lasted for the entire song and another song called "Blame it on Buffett" came on. The coyotes had by now, smacked her phone. They accidentally clicked Bluetooth and suddenly, the whole island heard "Blame it on Buffett! He was my hero from way in the past" with coyote roars mixed in!

Most were confused and slightly scared but Moondust's mom knew she had gone out so she called the state park and wailed to them to get Moondust to safety. All this happened while "Blame it on Buffett" was playing and the coyotes were still fighting Popoki to get Moondust. Moondust just kept dodging, crying, and running to the beach entrance! The park rangers could barely believe their eyes with how hurt Moondust was and how she was still alive! She was so scratched up from the close calls and the shell-covered ground, she should not have been able to run this far!

The state park rangers had tranquilizer guns so they shot at the coyotes but they could only get most of the pack. By now, Moondust was safe on the ATV, with "Margaritaville" playing but she clearly had some trauma from nearly dying. She kept whispering to herself "I'm safe now. They aren't going to get me" over and over several times while a few park rangers hugged her tightly. They had seen the video from her phone of what happened. They were very sympathetic.

The park rangers finally caught the rest of the coyotes and brought Moondust back home where her mom treated her wounds. She whispered to Moondust "Your safe now. It's okay. Your safe" and hugged her. 3 hours later, they were drowsing off. Moondust has ever since then, even in her new life as a magic non-gendered skeleton, had a phobia of coyotes. No one blamed it on Buffett.

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⏰ Last updated: Jan 12, 2022 ⏰

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