Chapter 2; Struggle

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      It was deathly silent. Not even the wind was blowing, just as if it too knew what was coming. Everyone held their breath, even Commander. His eyes kept glued on the portal, waiting for anything. The only movement came from the mesmerizing swirls. He picked up on the fate counting of the Hunter closest to him. He consitrated on that for a second, his anxiety easing for a split moment. But a war cry alarmed him back to the real world as his eyes flickered back to the portal ahead and God did he regret it.

      Frost Spirit came stomping out, fighting off the heavy flames the Pyromancers were dishing. But Commander watched in horror as Frost Spirit sucked in a deep breath of air and turned to both lines of Pyromancers, turning them into human icicles. Gun shots rattled off from the front line, the Militant Commander screaming orders to fire. The Rangers kept firing non-stop, knowing that they were at an advantage. But the Frost Spirit decided that today was the day to ruin an army. At the sight of Frost Spirit turning his head towards the cliff, all those towers on top made a quick retreat, most leaving their heavy weaponry behind. But one remained, continuously firing. Commander quickly turned on his radio and yelled into it.

      "Get down now! Leave the gun! He's targeting you!" Commander screamed. He watched as the Ranger put his hand up to his ear, still firing, "Im buying you a few extra seconds, fill this thing with holes. I'll see you at dinner, okay?" After that, all communication ceased. No matter how much Commander screamed for him to get down, Ranger wouldn't listen and kept firing with all his might. Frost Spirit tightened his grip on his scythe and realed it back. Towers from all around screamed as the titan swung it over his head like an axe and slammed it down right on the cliff where Ranger was, sending up rocks and dust. Commander watched in utter shock. The cliff was gone and there was no one there. He could still see Ranger right there. Commander felt his limbs begin to turn to jelly and his stomach twisting.

     The coldest laugh he had ever heard snapped him out of it, red filling his vision. Commander watched as that thing froze more of his towers. It was getting closer to him and his towers. His teeth gritted together and his free hand gripped his jacket. He turned his walkie talkie to another channel and spoke into it. It was time.

      "Show this bitch what you got, don't you dare show it any mercy," Commander spoke into the device. Only a few seconds later could the stomps be heard. The towers stopped firing as it rattled them and even Frost Spirit stopped, confused on what this could be. Facing the direction of what they were defending, fear and excitement bubbled around. Stepping over that thin piece of land where Commander and his squad was at, he towered basically everything in the Outpost. Lord Sinister shifted his axe and looked over at Frost Spirit.

      "So this is the guy causing you trouble? You, little musician," Lord Sinister pointed down at DJ Booth who perked up at his call. "Play something good, this is gonna be fun," Lord Sinister turned back to Frost Spirit, his grin turning devilish. Frost Spirit swung his scythe around so it was held in both hands. It fell silent, towers quickly moving out of the way knowing that staying close was not a good idea. DJ Booth shuffled through his vynals til he found just the right tune. He flipped it around his fingers and placed it on, a sick tune blaring from the speakers. Perfect titan battle music he'd been waiting to use for quite a while.

      "Bring it you oversized chicken," Lord Sinister swung his axe to his side, ready to grind a titan to the ground. Taking the invitation, Frost Spirit spread his wings and burst up in the air, then gave another hard push as he came rushing down, scythe ready to swing. Lord Sinister felt a bit stupid, of course creature with wings could fly. But he wasn't about to have his head sliced off over it as he swung his axe up to block the incoming attacker. As soon as their weapons made contact, Sinister felt the ground churn at his feet as he was pushed back a couple of feet. He pushed away Frost Spirit, sending him flipping in the air a few times before regaining his posture. But it gave enough time for Sinister to charge at his foe and ram him right in the rocky cliff of the Outpost.

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