Chapter 4; Cozy

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      Frost Spirit looked down at the mirror, admiring his loose atire. Lord Sinister didn't spare any of Gravedigger's clothes as he quoted, 'he never washes his damn clothes.' What ever that meant.

      All that Sinister had to offer was an oversized shirt that exposed a little bit too much chest and the smallest pair of shorts he had to offer which fit just snuggly with the string tye stretched to it's limit. Frost felt a bit proud of himself on figuring that part out himself. But he still refused to take off the boots. The fuzzy flooring was everywhere and he hated the feeling. A knock at the door had him jumping a bit, but the voice that followed strangely calmed him. Frost pinched himself for allowing it.

      "You okay in there? You've been in there for a while and I'm pretty sure you broke my shower curtain," Sinister called to him. Frost looked over at the now destroyed shower curtains that was laying in the bathtub. Oops.

      When Frost looked back in the mirror, he realised he had no hood on. His halo lit up his equally as black hair. It wasn't long nor was it short, but it stuck out enough for anyone to have the urge to stick their fingers through it. Frost went up to the door, not opening it yet. "Do you have...a hood?" His voice was quiet as usual. He never was a loud speaker. For one he never really spoke to anyone and he also hated interaction anyways. What use was the voice?

      There was silence on the other side. No response. Frost began to worry if Sinister got bored and left. But why should he care? Sinister leaving him alone was a good thing. But why was he getting antsy over it? Relief washed over him at that familiar voice again. "You mean a hoodie?" Sinister asked. Frost Spirit was confused himself. "Uh...yeah. A" What the hell is that even?

      "Wait, I think I got you," Sinister's footsteps faded away, probably to get what was requested. Frost didn't know how to respond. Maybe he should just toss on his own hooded cloak instead. As he reached down to grab it, there was another knock at the door, along with Sinister's voice. "Hey, I got it! I'm gonna open the door a little and drop it in." Frost freaked for a second at seeing the door slightly open, but all that came in was Sinister's arm and piece of clothing being dropped to the floor. The door closed and Sinister walked off, probably to do something else.

      Frost grabbed what was dropped off and held it out. It was like the shirt he had on, it was obviously too big for him but it had what he wanted; a hood. So he slipped it over his head, his head slipping into the hood. When he turned around to look at himself in the mirror, he was pleased with what he saw. His broken wing still stuck out like a rail, but his other was neatly tucked in close to him. He was kinda disappointed to see that the hoodie covered up his other clothing as it was massive against him, but at least he had a hood.

      Frost creaked the bathroom door open ever so slightly, looking for anyone nearby. To his luck, no one was out there waiting for him. It wouldn't hurt to explore right? So, building up his courage, he stepped out and into the hallway. It was empty, aside from the decoration hanging around. But even then it was poorly done so.

      He began to step quietly down, his steps not making a single sound as he sneaked. Frost often looked back, making sure no one followed him. He made his way down and peaked around the corner. He saw no one but he did see other things that instantly intrigued him. The first thing was the big piece of cloth shaped in a rectangle. It had pillows and blankets on it, like someone's been sleeping on it. This must of been the couch Sinister was talking about.

      Frost turned to the little table and saw a cup. But this cup had a handle and something in it. It was light brown with white swirls. Curious, Frost picked it up and took a little sip. He instantly spat it back out, that was disgusting! Frost put down the cup and went over to the shiny black mirror. How odd it was to have a black mirror, there was even buttons on the side. With a purr of excitement, he began to tap them, liking the clicking noises. That's when he turned it on.

      Frost Spirit jolted away in fright, this box was loud. Way too loud. Loud enough that Sinister came out in a rush, visibly pissed. But after seeing Frost rush away, he quickly turned the TV to a much more comfortable volume. He was going to kill Gravedigger when he came back from a food run.

      It didn't take much to find Frost as he had left quite the slippery trail of ice. He found him hiding right under the table, hidden by the table cloth. Sinister smirked and crouched down, leaving the cloth down. "It scared ya didn't it? I get scared when I turn on that damn thing. Gravedigger always blasts it and leaves it on high whenever I'm out. It's quieter now if you wanna check it. It won't hurt ya."

      Despite Sinister's assurance, Frost wouldn't come out. Sinister even made it a game that if he stuck his fingers under there he'd get hissed at. It was amusing until Frost slammed his fist against his fingers. So he left Frost to cower so he could whine over his fingers.

      After Sinister left, Frost did come back out and venture back to the TV. As Sinister said, it was quiter and Frost watched without having his ears blasted. His eyes stayed glued on the screen, the images going past were memorizing. He had no clue what they were talking about, but it sounded interesting. With his concentration still on the TV, he found his way to the couch and sat down, his head leaned forward to stare.

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