E1 - Channel Trapped

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It's a foggy, stormy night. A blonde boy is running home with a huge box in hand. Lightning barely dodges him as he nearly trips.

Brock: Woah! Ugh. Perfect weather.

We cut to him making it inside the house quickly and slamming the door behind him. He lets out a sigh of relief just as two knocks are heard. He groans. He swings the door open.

Brock: Listen, girl scouts, I don't know why you're out in this weather, but for the last time, I don't want raisin and egg cookies! Huh?

It's not girl scouts at his door. It's his friends Neil and Apollo in attire fitting to the weather.

Brock: Oh. You guys.

Neil: We didn't know you'd be so disappointed. I guess we'll see ourselves out-

Brock: No! Not in this weather. Come in.

We cut to them talking at a table.

Brock: I wasn't expecting you guys today.

Brock looks down and twiddles with his fingers.

Apollo: Um, hello? The season finale of our favorite, The Frog Train!

Neil and Apollo begin to sing a tune.

Neil & Apollo: Trains and frogs and it makes no sense! Br Br Br, its an owl in it too! Haha! Classic.

Brock lets out a faint snicker.

Apollo: Brock, is something wrong?

Brock: Oh, no, yeah...no.

Apollo gets more concerned and isn't convinced by Brocks's answer.

Brock: I just need to set up the brand new 4k TV!

The group starts yelling and partying.

Neil: 4k!

Neil practically teleports to the tv box and hugs it.

Neil: My baby.

Brock gives Apollo a troubled look. Apollo looks back with confusion.

We cut to when they are nearly done building the TV.

Neil: Yep. That should be about it.

Brock is visibly uneasy while Apollo is eager.

Neil: Oh, wait.

Neil looks in the box.

Neil: Look at that, an extra screw.

Neil leans down and grabs the screw. It shines like a rainbow with multiple hues.

Neil: Ooo, this ones shiny. A bit of a showoff dont you think?

No one laughs.

Neil: Hahaha. Alright.

Neil walks over and tries to find an empty spot.

Neil: It must go here.

Brock: WAIT!

Apollo: AH!
Neil: Huh?

Brock: Are you...sure we should put it in?

Neil: Well you want the tv to work, don't you?

Brock: I uh...yeah but a random shiny screw seems a bit suspicious doesn't it?

Channel Changers: Season 1Where stories live. Discover now