X. Left To Die

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The next morning, I mentally prepare myself to lift a weight off my shoulders. Today is the day for things to finally get back on track. I'd thought the whole thing out. Everything except how to sneak out without Karen seeing me.

I freshen up with a shower and even decide to put on make up. For my first time, I actually do a pretty good job. I put on a long sundress and some sandals, leaving my hair down in it's natural, wavy form. I grab my phone off the charger and tiptoe into Karen's room. Even though she was downstairs (as usual), the floor boards in her room creak a lot so you can pretty much hear when someone is creeping around in there.

I sift through her drawers and completly obliterate her dresser. I check under the bed, in the closet, and even under the rug. I finally find my car keys in her jewelry box. I smile to myslef. Afterwards, I start to clean up evidence that I was in her room by picking up clothes and straightening things. I shut the door on my way out slowly and make my way downtairs snail speed.

As I go to unlock the door, the knob makes a squeak.

"Who's there?" asks Karen. Don't panick, you can get out of this. Quickly, I grab a penny off the side table next to the door and throw it in the living room. I wince as it bounces off the coffee table and finally settles after clinking against the DVR. That should get her a attention.

I slip out of the door and waste no time doing so.

I speed walk to the car, start the engine, and it roars as I stomp the gas pedal and zoom down the road. Talk about great escape.

Once I'm a safe distance away, I let off the gas and cruise down the road. As weird as it is, I already know what I'm gonna say. I recite these words in my head:

"I wanted to come and tell you I forgive you. I don't want you to leave because I care about you. I really want to start over and make this work," Short and straight to the point.

When I get to Ryder's house, I park and make my way to his front door. I wait to knock on the door. After slowly regathering my scattered thoughts, I knock and wait.

And wait.

And wait.

Until finally, someone opens the door. But it isn't Ryder, it's his grandmother and she's sobbing uncontrollably.

"Um, I'm here for Ryder," I begin. She wails harder and soon collapses to the floor in agony. I help her get up. She's lighter than I assume.

"Who-are-you?" She asks as she catches her breath and regains her balance.

"I'm Emma,"

"Who's Emma?"

"I was the girl here the day you returned from the hospital,"

"Oh Emma," She says lovingly. I gasp as she grabs me and pulls me into a hug. "I'm so sorry," She's still crying.

"I don't understand," What's going on?

She pulls away and looks into my eyes. "You don't know do you?"

"Know what?"

She shakes her head in disapproval. She takes a deep breath. "Come in and have a seat,"

I do as she says and make my way to the couch. She sits text to me and grabs my hands.

"About 2 days ago, Ryder told me he was going out to see a friend. He didn't tell me anything else but that," She starts. I already know what she's talking about. That friend was me.

"He didn't come home," She's choking back tears. "I called and called but he didn't answer until yesterday but it wasn't him, it was someone else. I asked 'Where's Ryder?' and they said they were sorry. I asked them 'What for?' and they said that he was in the hospital. It was a hit and run, Emma. Some person just drove and hit him and left him to die," She's crying now and so am I. My poor Ryder.

"Is he okay?" I say sniffling.

"I don't know, love. He's in the hospital. I went to visit him but he's still out. That car really hit him hard. His heart beats are slow and rushed at the same time. I can't explain it,"

I can't believe that the same day he saw me, he had a near death experience.

"What's the prognosis?" I asks, fearing what the response will be.

She shakes violently. Her skin turns pale white and it's like she's stopped breathing.

All of sudden, I feel like a part of me is gone. "He may not make it. He might die,"

♡ ♡ ♡

The End Of Drowning

Sorry to leave you on the edge like that :(
but, the ending is whatever you want it to be. I didn't know if I wanted him dead or alive, so you chose. Hope you enjoyed the book.


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