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Celeste's POV

"Nope I'm actually meeting up with Grayson." My face dropped then I faked another smile. I told her to be safe & text me when she gets home. She just nodded & walked out. I wish we never went to that stupid cafe. The same thing is gonna happen again I just know it. I hate how she thinks that I'm possessive, but she can't really blame me. She's gonna get a boyfriend again, and not speak to me for weeks or month on end. Then when he leaves her, she's gonna come back to crawling to me. She did it once & I know she'll do it again.

I faced the other way & started walking to free period. I don't really know why I'm going, we don't have any actual school work. I guess I don't really wanna go home yet. I see Zara towards the end of the hall, so I do a little jog to catch up with her. "Hey." I mumbled then giving her a small smile."Hi why the long face, Les?" She asked me. I've never really been good at hiding my emotions.

"It's about Reese. She's hanging out with this guy after school & I don't want her to go, but there's nothing much I can do now. She kinda told me off earlier which made me feel horrible and ugh I don't know." I explained as we turned the corner & made our way to the courtyard.

"You should be happy for her. You know she hasn't had a boyfriend since 8th grade when—oh." Zara made the realization & I gave her a "duh" look.

"Look you have to get over that. We all make mistakes, you can't just hold that over her head forever. She probably doesn't even remember that." I shake my head at what she's saying. Of course Reese remembers that was her first real boyfriend. She was so focused on him back then how could she NOT remember?

"Have you tried talking to her about it? Maybe just letting her know that if things do get serious with this boy, she won't forget about her best friend. I think that's the best option right now." Zara explains, grabbing my shoulder & giving it a little rub.

"See I thought about it, but I just figured that the conversation would be dumb & she wouldn't understand. Maybe this whole situation is dumb, I mean she's her own person. She should be able to date whoever she wants. I wish I never said anything I'm sorry, I—" I felt tears in my eyes so I started to squeeze my eyes really tight. This is so stupid.

"Celeste, just take a deep breath. I don't think any of this is stupid because if it was then you wouldn't be telling me how you feel right now. You have every right to feel like this, stop invaliding yourself okay? You just don't want Reese to forget about you that's all. But you have to let her know how you feel or else things will just get worse. It's only a matter of time."

Zara is right. Along with me not being able to hide my emotions, I also tend to invalidate myself a lot too. It could get pretty damaging at times. Reese has been my best friend since we were little girls, you couldn't separate us even if you wanted to. We were just that close. It's one of the worst feelings when your best friend gives you up for some ugly small dick boy & I cannot let that happen with Grady or Grant or whatever that boy's name is. I think it's Grayson actually. Whatever it doesn't matter.
When she comes home tonight, I am going to have a conversation with her for real.

I cannot lose my best friend again.


Reese's POV

We picked apples, talked, laughed & walked around which felt like hours. Time moves so fast when you're having fun. My feet was actually started to ache, but I didn't want to go home just yet & Grayson felt the same way. We were sitting in his car about to pull off when he turn towards me to ask about ice cream.

"I don't know about you but I do not want this day to end. You wanna get some ice cream?" I'm so glad he asked me that. It won't help my aching feet, but ice cream makes everything better.

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⏰ Last updated: Jan 03, 2022 ⏰

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