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heyy here's chapter two :D

Reese's POV

The first week of school wasn't that bad, but I was so happy that it was finally Friday. Even though this week consisted of syllabi & meeting our teachers, I really just wanted to be at home.

Or going back to Happy Dog Cafe.

Gray or Grayson I should say, have been texting this entire week nonstop. I've learned that he has a twin named Ethan. He actually showed me a few pictures & when they were younger, you couldn't tell them apart. It was so cute. Him & his family are originally from New Jersey, but moved here at the end of their sophomore year. Overall he seems like a really cool, yet hot interesting guy.

I don't want to move too fast though. I know from past experiences when you first start texting a guy & he wants a play 21 questions, that's your sign to stop texting him. For example it'll go something like this:

douche guy: wanna play 21 questions? ;)

me: sure

douche guy: you a freak? ;)

At this point you need to stop texting him immediately. Thank god Grayson was nothing like this. He did ask me questions, but he genuinely seemed interested in talking & getting to know me.

I haven't mentioned a word to Celeste about me texting Gray because I just know she'll have a heart attack. She's so possessive over me towards guys & I have no clue why. She doesn't have a boyfriend or a girlfriend. Maybe she fears that if I do start dating him I won't have any time for her. I don't know maybe i'm overthinking.

"Alright guys see you all next week & enjoy your weekend!" My chemistry teacher smiles as everyone gathers their things to leave. It's finally lunch time & I am starving. I put my books in my bag & make my way out of the classroom.

"Hey Reese wait up!" I hear a voice behind me. Speak of the devil it's her. "Hey C!" I smile.
"I am so fucking hungry. Let's pray that they have chicken nuggets." She groans while tugging on my arm. I giggled lightly then I feel my phone buzz in my back pocket.

I take it out, but turn my brightness down once I see who it is.

gray: hey reese what time do you get out of school today? :)

me: hey gray, i get out around 1 why do you ask?

gray: okay cool do you wanna hangout after?

I squeal internally, but keep my cool smiling to myself as I respond.

me: yes ofc i'd love to

gray: okay text me the address i'll pick you up from school <3

"Who's got you smiling like that?" Celeste smiles, but then frowns.

"No one." I shrug & put my phone back in my pocket. "Come on tell meeeee!" She whines, tugging at my arm again as I roll my eyes.

"Damn does it really matter? You get pissed every time a boy tries to talk to me anyway." I hissed as she removed herself from my arm. She was quiet now and a frown appeared on her face.

"Exactly that's what I thought." I muttered to myself.

We entered the cafeteria & the smell the chicken nuggets filled our noses. I hummed at the thought of finally eating then meeting up with Gray after. On Friday's after lunch there's a free period at 12:55 to study, make up work or whatever else. Luckily, since it's the first week, we all get to go home after lunch around 1ish. Except me of course.

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