Chapter 7: Road Trip

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So.. haven't really been updating... I've been getting lazier and lazier all day... But anyway! Without any further ado~ on to the story...

Before I forgot.. I got motivated today due to knowing that the new Harry Potter movie The Return to(of?) Hogwarts will be released this coming January 1 , 2022... So in less than a month we can get to watch it~

And also fantastic beast 4 (3?) the secrets of dumbledore

And many others to come~ all will be released early months of 2022.


*Hinata's POV*

~Alarm tone~

I woke up from the full blast of my alarm which I turned it off and got up from the bed and headed to the bathroom to start getting ready for the how-many-long-hour-drive to the south part of Tokyo.

* Half an hour later*

After I finished getting ready and got everything on my car. I went to natsu's room to give her a kiss goodbye since she's sleeping. And went back downstairs and leaving a sticky note in the fridge for mom to see later. And then went outside and locked the door and started my long hours drive.

*An hour later*

An hour into the drive, I got hungry. So I went to a nearby McDonald's drive thru which opens at 4 am and it's currently 4:30 am.

I went into the drive thru and ordered  breakfast meal with an extra burger and a large coke to go with 2 McFloats.

After I got my orders, I started my drive to the location of the training camp or else the coach will kill me for being late.

*Nearing the training camp*

After a couple more hours of eating while driving. I finally reached the destination. I went to stop by at my uncle's hotel for me to park the car in the private garage he owns there if ever any of his family and relatives are here.

I parked the car inside. Threw away my garbage in the trash bin. Took out my training bag and my phone in the car. Then asked the clerk for the automated garage key for emergency which he gave it without second thought knowing who I was. And began walking to the training camp which was just a block away from the hotel.

*A few minutes later*

As I entered the grounds of the camp. I saw the busses already here. I looked at my phone and saw it was already almost 7 am.

I silently cursed and began running to the gym.

"Sorry for being late coach!" I yelled out after opening the door quite harshly.

"It fine, now go stretch and you'll play in the second half" said coach ukai.

"Hai coach!" I saluted and began stretching after putting my bag in the far corner of the gym.

*At lunch time*

(Sorry, Im running out of ideas hehe)

After the match, it was already lunch time. So we began to walk to the cafeteria where there was already foods on display by a cooking club from a unknown school who was here for training also.

After eating lunch, we have the rest of the afternoon off to explore the training camp.

"Let's go explore this area. The training camp is quite large for it to be for all the volleyball teams" said suga-san.

"Sure! Let's go together that in a group. That way we won't be lost" said daichi-san.

" Bro! Let's find if there are pretty ladies here! " Shouted Noya-senpai.

" Bro! We must be only loyal to kiyoko-san" said a Buddha faced Tanaka-senpai.

" Bro!"
" Bro!! "
" You two shut up!! " Shouted daichi-san at the two.

When they were calmed down. We began to explore the area. All of them were amazed seeing other sports team that isn't volleyball players here in the training camp.

What they didn't know was that this training camp was owned by my uncle from the hotel I just went to. He even let our school borrowed the tour bus from the hotel for free and also thanking him silently for not letting the school know his name, since the Hinata name was here during the ancient years having first born males to be born into the family. Thus still having the Hinata name to this day...

You could call us royals since thousands yrs ago ago, every generations when a female is born into the Hinata family. She must be married into the royal family either as a princess or an empress. Concubines wasn't allowed for the Hinata clan since we hold much more power. Thus we have royal bloods run in our blood.

The current emperor in Japan today is my Grandfather from my father's side. Dad is the secret crowned prince which the media doesn't know since our family has been secretive. And it will be a few years that the royal family must be introduced to the public as tradition. Everytime the crown must be past down to the next inline to the throne.

Enough about my family's history.

I was pulled away from my thoughts when we came to the dorms.

Every team must share A room of three or five.

"Hey Hinata, we already arranged who is staying. And ur the only one left since u were late" said Asahi-senpai.

"No worries guys, Takeda-sensei already texted me where my room is, so I'll see u guys later at dinner, I got too tired on my ride here so imma go to sleep now, bye guys!" I said and began walking to my room while carrying my bag with me.

*With the guys*

"From his ride? Who could have he been with?" Yamaguchi asked

"That boke! Not telling us anything! " Frowned kageyama angrily

" Oya? The king is concern of the shrimp? " Salted Tsukishima at Kageyama

" Shut up beanpole! "

" The king has ordered his peasant, should I now down?"

" Stop it guys, I know Hinata is tired so let's leave him be" reasoned suga-san to the others

They agreed and left from the hall and  into the big room of their captain who is sharing it with suga, asahi, Tanaka, and noya.


So~ that will be all for today's chapter~

Again... Haikyuu characters belonged to their rightful owner

The photo is also not mine..

Have a great day!!! And take care u guys!

Feel free to comment what u guys have in mind. And also sorry if there are lose grammars.. or any words that I have mistakenly made...

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