9. Emergency

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"Mom, we have to bring you to the doctor." I bit my lip.

"I already told you, honey. Don't worry..." she coughed.

I'm really worried about mom.

"You sure?" I asked.

"Y-Yeah. " she coughed again. Okay, EMERGENCY. Eep.

We headed down to Mr. Crawford's office. I slowly knocked on the door painted brown and white.

"Um, Mr. Crawford?" I gulped.

"Ah, Candy Diaz. Nice to see you again. What's the problem?" He opened the door.

"My mom..." I bit my lip.

He let us in and we took a sit.

"What's the problem with Candace?" He asked.

"Well. I found her on the floor and she said that her disorder is starting to conflict again. What does that mean?" I asked.

"Let's get her to the x-ray shall we?" He motioned mom to stand in front of the small x-ray in his office.

Mom made her way to the x-ray, gulping but not sating anything...

"Ahhh. Just what I thought." Mr. Crawford looked down.

"W-What?" I asked, jumping from my seat. Then, he motioned to go outside... So mom won't hear.

"She... Candy. Your mother has heart tumor. And by any time, she can have heart attack." He explained.

"What?! NO! That can't be. You're joking right? It's April fools day!" I chuckled nervously.

"I wish I was. But no. Candy, this is serious. Your mother will reach a point when she has no longer has to live and that point is anytime soon. I'm so sorry. Heart tumor is severe and it can happen anytime..." Mr. Crawford gave me a box of tissue.

I was crying, of course. Any time, my mother can be dead.

"How do we prevent this?" I asked, waiting for a valid answer.

"Uh. Tell your mom to just relax and don't scare her. Or anyone touch her. Just yourself and herself. Got that? Oh, and... NO STRESS." He looked at me with his blue eyes.

"Sure, Mr. Crawford. Thanks... Anything else?" I asked.

"No jumping. No spicy stuff. No loud music, no jumping on her. No stressing." He repeated the stress thing. "Oh, and make her drink this. 2 capsules before and after meals." He added, giving me a box of juices and vitamins.

"Intra..." I looked at the tag.

"Whoa. It has 26 fruits and vegetables!" I gasped.

"Exactly." He shrugged.

"How much?" I put out my wallet.

"I'll not be asking for money, Candy. This is free for you. And your mother. Candy, this is heart tumor. This is really dangerous. So, don't sweat it!" He chuckled.

"Wow, really? Thanks a lot, Mr. Crawford!" I smiled at him.

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I don't know if heart tumor exists but meh. It's my Fanfic anyway! Guhbye bitses! xD
I'm exhausted. Double update, woop! Let's parteh!

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